1: The student

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The morning sun shone through the windows of Mr. Izawa's classroom. The school grounds were glazed in the orange-ish hue of its rays, casting shadows across the campus. The morning seemed peaceful, besides the moaning and groaning of students dotted across the hallways, moving to their classes. There were several fresh faces, as so every year, but one stood out in particular. The new kid.

It was unusual to get a transfer student that ended up in any class other than the starting lineup, but for some reason, this new kid had been put into the newly-elected class 2A. Nobody understood why, but the school thought it was a good idea.

As Deku walked to class, he noticed several people whispering and chattering under their breath as he walked by them. "He's the one!", they whispered, "the one who killed All For One!". Oh great!, Deku thought, now they all are going to be paying attention to me! As much he hated the attention, he knew he had to keep walking.

Entering Mr. Izawa's classroom (because apparently he moved up with them), Deku noticed everyone in the room turn to him briefly before going back to their own conversations. Some did come up to him though.

"Yo, It's Deku! Our favorite hero!" Kaminari said, openly drawing all the attention in the room to Deku. Oh, great. Deku thought.

Trying to avoid all attention, Deku squeezed to the back of the room and sat in his usual seat, keeping his head down. All around him, his classmates were saying things to him,

"Glad to see you're back, Deku!"

"Yeah, thanks for kicking All For One's ass!"

"You really showed him!"

"Are you planning to stay here the whole year?"

"What about All Might?"

Just then, Mr. Izawa entered the room, and everyone took their seats.

"Please, everybody, I'm sure Deku is annoyed enough as it is, your stupid statements won't mean anything.", Mr. Izawa stated, before moving to the front of the class to begin his usual "beginning of the school" lecture.

It wasn't until now that Deku noticed the new student behind him, who he didn't seem to recognize. He was wearing a red hoodie, with a hood over his head, shadowing out his face. He was slumped over, seeming tired. Deku decided that he was going to introduce himself after class, as Mr. Izawa started on something Deku took interest in.

"As to test your progress," Mr. Izawa stated, "we will be running the same tests as you did at the beginning of last year. This will show how much you and your  quirk has improved since you first got into U.A."

Another test? Deku thought, this could be a perfect opportunity to show off our quirks he turned to the new student behind him, and his. I wonder what his could be...

Thankfully, none of the tests were that day. They were going to start with the ball test tomorrow.

The bell rang, and class 2A flooded out of the classroom to go back to their dorms. As it was the first day, everyone would have to unpack and settle into their dorms.

The new kid rushed out just as everyone else but Deku ran up to him to greet him out in the hallway.

"Hey! My names Deku, though I'm sure you already knew that..." the new kid turned towards him, still not showing his face.

"Deku..." the kid said, seemingly trying to remember something. Suddenly, he took his hood off to reveal a cheerful face underneath. He had blonde hair, with eyes wide with excitement. It was clear he was younger than Deku, but how much, Deku couldn't really tell. However, the kids right eye was hollow, with blackness taking its place.

"I remember you! You were on TV! I saw you!", the kid said excitedly, sticking out his hand. "I'm Kusari, it's an honor to meet you!"

"Oh, nice to meet you too!", Deku said, shaking his hand while not trying to sound too surprised. I never thought he would be this... bubbly.

"I know it's surprising, seeing me this excited...", Kusari said, putting his head down. "Usually it's hard to meet new people because of this...", he pointed at his open eye.

"Oh, I kinda get that...", Deku replied, trying not to be awkward.

"The truth is, I never really knew why the upper staff put me in this class instead of class 2A, but I'm not complaining. I got to meet my favorite hero!", Kusari said, looking back up with a cheerful look in his eyes.

"Wha...", Deku didn't get to finish before he noticed the small holes and burn marks on Kusari's hoodie on his right arm. "Is that...?"

"From my quirk? Yeah...", Kusari finished Deku's sentence. "That reminds me... do you think I could show you my quirk, and maybe get some tips on how to... control it...?"

Deku was confused at this point. "I guess I could... I just don't know a lot about your quirk, so I don't really know how I could help you." Wait a minute... Deku thought.

If he has burn marks on his right arm, and they are from his quirk, that must mean his quirk hurts to use, like how One For All did when I first got it!

"You want me to help... because you know my quirk used to do a similar thing...?", Deku asked.

"Yeah, I thought you would know something about it...", Kusari replied. "You know what... never mind... it was a stupid idea anyway..."

"No! I'd be happy to help in any way I can! Does... 7:00 tonight sound good? In the training gym?", Deku jumped in. Hopefully I'm done packing by then...

"Yeah, I guess that sounds good!", Kusari replied, beginning to get excited again. "See you tonight!", and Deku watched as Kusari ran down the hallway.

What a kid... but he will fit in perfectly here, I know it.

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