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another 2 weeks passed and aurora was due in a week. fleur had written to him for her.

they had spent these few weeks collecting baby clothes from bills parents, seeing as she had multiple sons and knew how to knit. they had even been given a small baby cradle that would last them until at least the war is over and then she could go out for herself and buy things with money for her vault.

for now, this would do just fine.

they had soothers, bottles, bibs and cloths, clothes, bed and a few stimulation toys.

pretty much everything they would need, considering everything went well and aurora was able to breastfeed.

aurora had been reading books on parenting and a childs development. she knew the basics and more but still was petrified for the labour itself.

fleur had enchanted a large ball for her to sit on. apparently it was called a 'labour ball' and it was somewhat helping with the pain the girl was feeling.

the days were moving by slower and slower, aurora wanted to just sleep all the time, she was so exhausted, and missed theo oh so much.

she kept re-reading his letter to fleur:

"dear mrs fleur weasley,

thank you for writing in regards of aurora, please do inform her not to worry too much, as it will only have consequences in the outcome.

i miss her very dearly, she will be due on the 4th of may, hopefully the war will be won and over by then, or in some miracle case, never happen.

i love you so much, rora, and my sweet child.

thank you bill and fleur for letting her stay with you, try not to write again, DEs are shooting owls down left right and center. i have no idea if this letter wil make it to you or not.

yours sincerely,
theodore nott. "

she had read it so very often that she could surely recite it in her head.


i realise the timings for the babys due date is not matching up with the rest of the time line but i dont care, im not changing the date of the war.

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