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bill and fleur had received a message saying they were needed and had left on the 2nd of may to fight. leaving aurora on her own, 2 days before her due date.

she paced around the house, sat on the ball, read books, drank so much water she was sure that she could fill an ocean. she had a shower, packed and unpacked the hospital bag 3 times. all before 5pm

she couldnt help it she was so worried about theo, draco, everyone. at one point she even worried for her parents. she was worried for the wizarding world and worried for who will win in the end.

the worry made her sick to her stomach.

she quickly got up from the chair she was sat in to run to the toilet, however when she did, she.. pissed herself?

at least thats what she had thought until she remembered reading that amniotic fluid had a distinct smell and after a few seconds of process, she realised her waters had just broken.

"fuck fuck fuck" she paniced and made her way to the kitchen to write a quick note 'in labour, gone mungos, sorry if not back' it was scribbled in an almost ineligible manner but not fully, it was just about readable.

aurora was so thankful for bringing the hospital bag down earlier that day, she grabbed it and managed to get to the fireplace, shout st mungos hospital and throw the powder down.

of course it had to be today.

little shit couldnt have waited any longer, could he.

she got the the front desk and explained she was in labour, answered mandatory questions and was eventually sat in a wheelchair and taken into a room.

thankfully they had a specific few rooms designated for births, otherwise she wouldve had to push the baby out in the waiting room.

there was a war going on, people were being rushed all around the hospital.

the labour was long and once they had put her in a hospital gown and a cardigan because she refused to leave her arms bare, she was allowed to wander around but not too far as the contractions were getting closer together now.

she stood right outside of the baby ward and watched wizards and witches, children and elderly alike be pushed around on beds and their familys crying. she was looking for anyone she knew. she was so alone.

when she felt another contraction she made her way back to her room.

a midwife joined her a few minutes later

"youre quite young arent you, honey?" she was lovely, and had a smooth voice.

"im 18" aurora mumbled while rubbing her bump, she was in so much pain but it was only going to get worse

"you dont have to answer this question, why did you decide to go through with the pregnancy and have the baby?"

"i- um was- ow- told that i couldnt have kids because of vaginal trauma and other things- like that. i didnt want to loose what could be my only chance at mother hood"

"im sorry you had to go through anything you have been through, id the babys father here? any family?"

"um my boyfriend, theo, hes ah fighting at the moment, with my twin brother and- fuck" she paused and took a deep breath "my parents kinda disowned me but didnt? basically i dont want them here as much as they dont want to be"

"thats a shame, would you like me to request if your boyfriend or brother end up being here at some point this evening, theyre allowed to come here?"

"you can do that? yes, salzar, yes please"

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