delicacy, love and care.

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the nurse checked her blood pressure, sugar levels and gave her a few biscuits.

"have you thought of a name?" she asked

"not yet, we havent had the time"

"youve had nine months" she said bluntly

"i was sent away to france for 3 of those, locked in a room at my parents house for nearly 2 and in hiding for the rest." aurora replied with just as much sass.

the nurse stayed silent for the rest of the time she was in the room.

theo came back 10 minutes later wearing a plain white shirt and some shorts aurora guessed the hospital gave him

"hey, lover" he smiled, although it was clear he had been crying

"hey love" she smiled back, she was truly exhausted but hadnt put her son down since she had first been given him

theo sat down in the chair again after pressing another kiss to his girlfriend and child's heads

"wanna hold him? i want a quick nap"

theo nodded and took him from her with ease.

their baby was asleep and soon enough, so was aurora.

theo held his son with such delicacy, love and care.

"i swear to you, my darling child, i wont be like my father was, and your mother and i will always love you unconditionally" he whispered as he took his babys hand around his finger and kissed it softly.


what should we call this child then

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