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Sometimes you have to disappear for a while,
To come back stronger than ever,
To not leave again, move the shovel,
And find what to do as a worker.

I want to invent a language that mixes our two,
Learn your language, improve my grades, see you again,
Find snow,
The Main prayin' stayin'.

That feeling of being productive and having slept,
Not having left anything for later,
Have nothing pending, The first step,
To be a butcher.

But I can't be with you now,
Let me improve more first,
Let me continue slow,
Even if I know I need to be fast.

Because the last time I saw you,
I ran away from you,
The first one too,

I love you

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now