𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 : 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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As we drove into the parking lot of the hotel in Seoul where I had been staying with Hyunjin, a mix of emotions swirled within me

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As we drove into the parking lot of the hotel in Seoul where I had been staying with Hyunjin, a mix of emotions swirled within me. After spending two days at my old home, being back in the city felt overwhelming. I sat in the car, staring at the hotel, lost in thought.

We had come back to gather our things and move them to my parents' home, but I felt rooted to the seat, gripping my phone tightly. The familiar sights and sounds of the city seemed foreign and daunting after the calm and comfort of my childhood home.

Hyunjin sensed my anxiety, reaching out to gently touch my hand. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice full of concern.

I looked at him, my heart pounding, unsure of how to explain the sudden wave of apprehension. "I don't know," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I feel like I'm leaving something behind, but I'm not sure what."

Hyunjin gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "It's normal to feel this way. You've been through a lot of changes recently. Let's take our time. We don't have to rush anything."

I took a deep breath, feeling a little overwhelmed. The comfort of our recent time at my old home had felt like a step toward healing, and now, facing the hotel, the temporary space where I'd been living felt stark and impersonal in contrast. "I—," I started again, swallowing hard as I shook my head, "I don't want to go in there. It feels like stepping backwards."

Hyunjin nodded, understanding flashing in his eyes. "We don't have to go back to anything that makes you feel uncomfortable," he reassured me. "Why don't we get a coffee or go for a walk instead? We can come back later or even tomorrow if you feel up to it. Or we can arrange for someone to bring your things out to us if that makes it easier."

His offer lifted a weight off my shoulders. The idea of not having to face the hotel interior, with its cramped memories and temporary feel, was a relief. "That sounds much better," I admitted with a grateful smile. "Thank you for being so understanding."

Hyunjin squeezed my hands gently. "Of course," he said warmly. "Whatever you need, whenever you need it. That's what I'm here for. Let's go find a place where you can feel comfortable and talk a bit more. There's no rush."

We decided to walk to a nearby café, a place where we could sit outside, surrounded by the buzz of the city but still secluded in our own little bubble. As we walked, I felt my anxiety ebbing away, replaced by the comforting presence of Hyunjin beside me. His support was a constant reassurance that no matter what the future held, we would face it together.

feeling the tightness in my chest loosen slightly as I spoke. "I just felt so safe back there, like I was reconnecting with a part of myself that I'd lost. Stepping back into the hotel room feels like I'm undoing the peace and progress I've made."

Hyunjin's eyes softened as he listened, and he pulled me into a supportive hug. "You don't have to go back there if it doesn't feel right," he reassured me. "We can find another place to stay, or go straight back to your parents' home. It's your choice, and I'll support whatever makes you feel most comfortable."

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