✨🌇~The Talk~🌇✨

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A/n yipeeee I'm starting this chapter at 7:01 and at the end of this chapter I'll record the time and we'll see how long it takes to finish this chapter I think I'll try to do 2.5 episodes because the last chapter is only half  episode


okay so let's get started 

As  I didn't bother listening to the teacher all I heard was that this unit was going to be about Georgia's oldest city SAVANNAH I think my mom has talked about something bad happening or something there that was bad but I don't remember much since I was a girl. I felt the room get excited that we are going on a field trip that is optional I wasn't going unless Ashlyn was going but knowing her she rather not. Whatever I thought as the class was dismissed for the day and it was the end of the day so that meant going home yay....

"you guys aren't going on the field trip?" Aiden said to Ashlyn and me

"I don't think I can" I say shaking my head

"Field trips aren't exactly my thing" Ashlyn said above a mumbled

Me and Ashlyn walked out of class and went on the bus later then arrived at her house as I sat at the table next to her after school her parents giving her 'A friendship pep talk' or whatever I was zoned out with my own problems too busy to worry the others.

We all heard a knock on the door it snapped me out of my thoughts before Ashlyn's phone buzzed a couple times.

Ashlyn's dad opened the door and let them in.
Before Aiden and Ben and also what I assumed were Aiden's parents walked in his dad was carrying food of some sort smells like Mac and cheese fancy people Mac and cheese.

I watched Ashlyn quickly walk to the bathroom she's probably over thinking again.

(After awhile of Ashlyn procrastinating has brought this ad to you!)

The parents and two boys all had a conversation and Ashlyn finally came out of the bathroom after 4 fucking years finally I don't like her not by my side...

Later Aiden mentioned the field trip to which I spilled my tea because of it and looked at Ashlyn like you are hearing this shit spider man?

After all the field trip talk Aiden gave Ashlyn a paper for it as he left I felt a weird twist in my chest what's wrong with me ugh get it together y/n!

I sat on the couch with her dad as her and her mum sat on the other Ashlyn excused herself and went upstairs and put the paper on the table. I of course had to follow her so I did and we just listened to music before her dad came up and I left I was never one for being around parents when they had to be actual parents. It always hurts for some reason am I really that broken?

After her dad convinced her to go I Forged my mom's signature on the papers and put them in my bag for Monday. I stayed the night at Ashlyn's house in the guest room.

(MONDAY sucks)

Anyways we got the place where the busses are and met up with the group

"You guys acted like you weren't going" Aiden chuckled softly

Mean while AIDS can you shut up please leave me alone RAHHH

We got onto the bus where me, Ashlyn and Aiden all had to sit in the same seat so Ashlyn sat by the window I sat in the middle and he sat in the Isle seat

good bish stay away god I need to mentally shut up 🙏 😭

I still didn't listen to the teacher as I just put my headphones on and leaned back listening
To -
GIRLS by girl in red ♥️
OLD MONEY by Lana del Rey 💐
FELL IN LOVE IN OCTOBER by girl in red 🌇

(And more I'm too lazy to do the whole playlist but it's on Spotify it's called romanizing school)

Aiden's ADHD ass was playing with puzzles and gave one to everyone including me I just looked at it guess it was some weird ass ring or some shit

(A/n here it's now 7:32 yayyy anyways I got writer block- I'm holding in for you guys I also extended the voting time bc too lazy to do it now probably later so byeeee peeps)

Word count- 771 words

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