Just Some Fluffiness (Sworn to the Sword)

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*In Sworn to the Sword*

It was a rare moment for them.
They almost never got to be alone for long periods of time. Between Steven and Pearl, and protecting the entire earth, the two always had other things on their minds.
But Steven, Connie, and Pearl wouldn't bother them like they normally would.
Amethyst lived for moments like these, moments where she could just relax and snuggle with her gorgeous badass of a girlfriend.
Not that she would ever call it "snuggling" out loud.
Garnet sat on a couch in amethyst's room, legs crossed with a single arm draped over the back, other arm resting on Amethyst's tummy, rubbing soft circles with her thumb absentmindedly.
Amethyst sat, curled comfortably into the other gem's side, burying her face in the crook of her shoulder.
She smiled softly, glancing up at Garnet before hiding her face behind her hair. She could feel the deep blush coming to her cheeks, thinking "this amazing dork actually loves me."
Garnet brushed her hair away from her face tenderly and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her forehead.
"You always do that," she mumbled, adjusting her shades a bit. "I wish you wouldn't hide your face from me. I like looking at it, you know." She smirked then, and offered another kiss. It was aimed for her lips this time, but didn't quite make it, landing just below her nose.
Amethyst giggled and pulled herself closer, if that was possible, to the taller gem. "Smooth, Garnet. But for the record, I like yours too." She did her best to give back the small pecks that Garnet had initiated, but the highest point she could reach without moving was her chin. Oh well.
At this rate, Pearl could sword fight with those kids for the rest of eternity. She got Garnet all to herself, and Garnet was perfectly content to spend the little bit of free time that they got together.
She never wanted it to end.
So yeah. I sat there one day and thought "why in the hell is there no gamethyst cuddles. Someone needs to write that."
"Wait a second.
I'm someone"
And so this happened
I don't think I did justice to the idea, but here you go anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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