Chapter 22: Peaceful At Last

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"Thalia Pansy Emerson, we are going to be late for the Hogwarts Express!" Reyna shouted. Her 14 year old daughter rushed down the stairs, brushing her silky light brown hair. 

"Sorry Mom!" Thalia said, grabbing a pastry from the table and tossing the brush away. With the pastry in her mouth, Thalia started to put her shoes on. 

Thalia was the oldest child, and the beauty of the family. Her waist-length chestnut hair and ebony eyes made many boys fall for her. Of course, an angry glare from Reyna was all it took for them to back away from her daughter. Thalia was named after Reyna's two best friends, and the Sorting Hat had placed her in Gryffindor.

"C'mon, c'mon! Hurry up Thals! I wanna see the big red train!" Archie said excitedly, jumping up and down. He was the youngest, at 8 years old. Asher had named him after his favorite hero, Achilles, "Archie" for short. He had Reyna's black hair, and brown eyes.

Bell stood by the door, reading a novel as usual. She was the bookworm of the family. At age 12, she was smarter than any of the girls in her second year. But Bell wasn't like Annabeth, or Hermione for that matter. She was quiet, and she mumbled. Her full name was Bellona Hylla. She had short, dark curly hair with bangs and her father's forest green eyes. Reyna loved all her children equally, but Bell was her favorite.

"Alright, let's go!" Asher exclaimed. He picked up Archie and opened the door, holding the keys to their car. As soon as everyone got into the car, he drove off to King's Cross Station. Reyna and Aher had chosen to settle down in London, because they had wanted their children to attend Hogwarts. Of course, they always visited Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood in the summer. 

"Who wants to go through the wall first?" Reyna asked, when they got in between platforms 9 and 10. Thalia ran in, Bell about to follow. But then Bell saw that Archie looked scared, like he always did when they crossed in platform 9 and 3/4. So she took Archie by the hand and gently walked him into the wall. Reyna and Asher went after them, and saw the familiar sight of the red Hogwarts Express. 

"Thalia, over here!" A voice called out. Reyna looked to see who was calling to her daughter and saw James Potter. She almost glared at him, and then reminded herself that he was Harry and Ginny's son. Thalia walked over to him with a blush on her face. Oh well, Reyna thought. If they like each other romantically, at least James would be a suitable boyfriend for her.

"Hey, Bell!" Rose Granger Weasley said, appearing next to her. Bell smiled and the two started chatting and made their way to the train. Archie stood dejected.

"I wish I could go." He sighed. Asher let out a chuckle.

"Buddy, you say that every year. It's only three years until you turn eleven!" Asher said. Archie muttered something about it still being a very long time. The train suddenly started to move, and both Thalia and Bell poked their heads out their compartment window and waved to their parents. Asher and Reyna waved back, a fond smile on their faces. When the train was out of view, Asher kissed Reyna.

"What was that for?" Reyna asked, smiling.

"I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you as my wife." He said. Reyna laughed softly and put her head on his shoulder. Together, they walked out of the train station.

                                                                         THE END

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