chapter one

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"y/n! stop yelling!" my mom yelled up the stairs, followed by, "its almost 11:00/23:00! you have school tomorrow! turn the game off and finish it later!" I wanted to roll my eyes but i guess she was right.

i was playing (favorite game) and out of nowhere it started to glitch, causing me to not only scream really intensely, but lose my match as well. i wasn't usually this interested in my games, but recently, i had started to fall in love with them again. it think its because they keep me inside, and since we moved, i don't really have many people to befriend.

tomorrow is my second week in my new school, nekoma high, and i don't think i could be more nervous. yes, ive been attending for over a week, but it doesn't stop me from being as nervous as ever. im just hoping i do well.

i heard that there was a volleyball club for both boys and girls. this was fairly new to me because in my old school, they couldn't really afford different clubs. to my understanding, the school held tryouts during the summer and the third day of school. totally unfair if you ask me. most people (me) didn't even know that. im hoping that maybe one of them still has the manager position open so i at least be in the facility. maybe i can even branch out and meet new people that way.

i glance at the clock on my bedside table, now reading 11:00/23:00 sharp. this is my indicator to get to bed.

most people see my under eye-bags and think that its cause i don't sleep. the truth is, i need a lot of sleep. i get really terrible migraines if i don't. but i also really love staying up late somehow. i stay up late, but need loads of sleep? sure yeah, that makes sense.

as i lay awake, i begin to think of all of the things that could go terribly wrong. like what if everybody thinks im weird or they think im ugly or they heard me introduce myself and thought that my voice was ugly or anything. god, i just need to stop thinking and sleep.

i haven't spoken a lot, not unless i was spoken to. which wasn't often. i'm not a super quiet person, but i didn't mind the silence one bit.

anyways, i guess it was technically time for bed. i took one last glance at the clock that now read 11:13/23:13. i closed my eyes and didn't open them until the morning.

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