{~If its blowable then blow it up.~}

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I'm scared of this so badly 😭 I've only watched like 4 streams of joker Zam so like I whatever!!
ZAMS POV!!: never doing that again that took forever... well I got to know that jumper does whatever minute says to do... kinda stupid tbh... we'll whatever I'm the joker I shouldn't care.

"Hey Zam! What's up?" Mapicc yells as he walks over to Zam with bacon following (and also getting distracted) 

"Hey guys! I just got don't talking to jumper I was going to pentar"

Where tf did they come from wtf

"Alright well we'll see you around! Come on bacon"

God pentar sucks... I'll do minute tech tower defense  System tomorrow.. feels right.. hehehHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (that was a joker laugh btw..) alright welp time to plant tnt!!


Info: Okay so like Zam got tnt ready uhh that's all!!

(Ps ima make Zam say something I said in his chat that i said during the whole mute thingy!!)

"OHH MINUTE!!!" I say gratefully while walking over to him. My long ass cape skiming the ground.

"So it's the tower or the sour patch nation's base!"

(No I didn't watch this stream...)

"Uhh I chose my tower to stay alive?" Minute yaps


[{~Blows up base~}]


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