Ch-29 | annoying bitch

19 0 27

September 16, 1994, Friday

Nora's POV

Black clouds were beautifying the sky as I walked towards the castle with Carla, Ainsley, Iris, Louis- basically all my Ravenclaw friends.

I hardly have any friends from my own house. Except Katherine, who became a friend after a lot of classes together.

Ainsley and Iris were arguing about something, and the others were just complaining about how silly they were being.

"You really think that'd work?!" Iris exclaimed and Ainsley replied with a "Why you so dumb bro? That's obviously the only solution!"

I tuned out their conversations. My stomach was twisting at the thought of having my next class with Slytherins.

I didn't see Draco since yesterday– which I was thankful for. I didn't know what I'd say. It'd be fucking awkward to talk normally after what happened.

I pushed the thought to the back of my brain and tried to focus on what they were saying. I didn't have to worry about it for another hour and a half.

We all headed to the great hall and took our seats in the Ravenclaw table. At this point the table thing is almost non-existing. We all sat wherever we wanted.

I served myself some mac and cheese as Ainsley talked about some txt album.

She eventually turned to talk to Iris about anime after she realised something. I looked around the hall to find the blond but he wasn't any where to be seen.

Just when I thought he skipped lunch, Theo and Draco sat across from me. I shoot them a smile and looked at my plate as if that was the most interesting thing in the world.


A high pitched voice reached my ears. My eyes shoot up to see none other than, Pansy Parkinson.

I forgot she even existed. I wondered where she was all these days. I didn't see her anywhere.

But here she was now, rising my blood pressure. Such a bitch.

The girl sat next to Draco and started talking in an odd voice which I supposed was meant to be cute. "Oh Dray! I missed you so much!" She said and intertwined her arm around Draco's.

My face scrunched up at her cringe attempt to be cute (let's not talk about the blood boiling from their closeness). It was like she jumped out of a wattpad fanfic.

I looked at Ainsley and she had a similar reaction. I looked back at Draco and he visibly looked irritated. "And I didn't, Parkinson," he sneered and pulled his arm away from hers.

I looked at Theo and he looked back at me and I tilted my head in their direction. Do something.

He gave me back a look that said, what am I supposed to do?

I sighed and just continued to eat while Draco took care of it. "Parkinson, for the last time I don't care about your extended vacation and I didn't fucking miss you. Now get the fuck off me!"

A small part of me felt bad for her when she walked off to her table, sad faced. I can never bear the embarrassment of getting insulted by my crush.

But a large part of me was happy she wasn't all over him anymore.

But who'd be this whiny?

I've never seen someone like her.

My eyes met Draco's when I turned around and I looked back at my plate.

For fuck's sake Nora. He's not gonna eat you if you look at him.

It feels weird to not talk to him while he was sitting right across from me, glancing at me every once in a while.

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