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aurora had woken up, been checked everywhere again, the baby had been checked again and even theo got a qucik check due to the battle.

"rora?" he asked, looking at their child in the clear, plastic cot next to them


"what should we call him?"

"i want to read a bit, find symbolic names and maybe one that represents a battle"

"thatll be nice, if we can find one that suits him"


another 2 hours passed and they were finally dismissed.

they used the floo to get back to the cottage, where aurora and theo were invited - no, demanded is a better word for it - to stay for at least until they were invited back to hogwarts to retake their final year seeing as they had missed almost all of it and NEWTs were cancelled.

everyone adored no-name-baby, everyone being fleur, bill, draco and mattheo.

funnily enough, because draco, mattheo and theo all helped harry win the war, so they got off the hook with any punishment. especially seeings as theyre still technically minors.

"little baby..." aurora paused, looking down at her son "yeah, no, im stubbed"

"i still think you should call him something linking to both france and italy" bill shrugged, leaning back on the sofa

fleur made grabby hands at the newborn boy, aurora gave him over happily, her arm was dead anyway.

"adrian?" fleur offered, rocking the baby in her arms

"reminds me of pucey" theo shook his head

"maybe you should go with an astonomical name? like your family, aurora" bill tried again

"and carry on the tradition? ill pass"

"well i give up then! youre too picky!" he half shouted, joking very clearly

"its my first borns name, what if i have more kids and want to stick to a theme!" she argued, laughing

"oh! rora, whats that book you like, the one on the poems about ummm..." theo suddenly spoke, shaking his hand as he thought

"greek mythology?" she offered

"yes! that one, there any names from there you like? or names inspired by the gods?"

"ill think about it" aurora smiled and pecked a kiss to her boyfriends lips, before leaning on his shoulder

"oh yeah 'neoptolemus' is a great name" bill laughed again

"neo could be nice" fleur smiled

"it sounds like a cats name" theo said frowning

aurora whispered something under her breath

"hm?" theo kissed the top of her head

"apollo.." she sat up and looked at theo "god of the sun"

theo cupped her face and pressed a long kiss to her forehead "youre amazing"

"baby apollo" fleur smiled down at the child in her arms

"i like it" bill raised his eyebrows "suits him"

"fleur if you wouldnt mind, id like to hold my baby please" theo asked her

"only since you asked so sweetly" she smiled at him and passed the child to him

"our little baby apollo"

"lo for short, i think its lovely"

"it is, princess, you and your brilliant mind"

aurora smiled and took her son -apollo- s hand around her finger and pressed a kiss to his stomach

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