Come back(not a update)

473 27 12

Hi guys.

I think you guys Are pretty shocked after getting the notification. As i told you i will be back this year but  never mentioned when. I will update and continue this story again.

A lot of things happened in my life,  i have lost my mother . It's been six months since she left the world. I am only 19 years old i have never imagined that i could lose my mom this early. Not only for me  it is also so heartbreaking for my whole family. I am still not mentally ready to accept this. Apart from this i can't even pass my MAT exam for all these Incidents. I will be sitting again for my MAT exam. I have only 6 months left. But i don't know why i still can't concrete to anything. I really want to run from reality.

Maybe i am writing a story officially now but writing is always like therapy to me  . So i decided to write this story Again. I will update this story once a week because i will be busy with studies. You guys have waited a long time for me. I hope you will support me in the future also. See you guys tomorrow with a new update.

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