The girl in the mirror

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I'm back with a classic ol' flashback chapter.
For clarification, Heather just started her first day at highschool, before she became a Heather
I feel like my writing style is all over the place and I actually don't have a clue where this story is going... Keep writing I guess

(Chapter was *NOT* edited so please be patient with me.)
Happy reading my darlings! 

"Dear Dairy....

First day as a Freshman...
New school, new life.... I never would have imagined I'd leave all my friends to attend Westerberg High... Seeing the huge gates already makes me feel uneasy. There are so many people and I can tell they are judging me...

Fuck, they probably all know each other and here I am all alone...


My plan is to go to class and keep my head low and maybe I'll be left alone...

Hah... Who am I kidding...?"

"Oh shit- I'm so sorry!"

I gasp as my books scattered across the floor and landed with a thud at the base of yellow tinted high-heels. My eyes looked downwards not daring to look up at who I had ran straight into as I bend down to pick up the books across the floor only to feel a soft hand brush against mine as the person tried to help me.

Summoning the courage I gulp and look up only to be met with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Big, puffy, blonde, ringlets that seemed to be perfectly balanced between messy and elegant. Her clothes were the embodiment of yellow with a matching yellow blazer and skirt. Big, blue, doe eyes stared back at me as she sheepishly held out my sketchbook and I quickly snatch it off her.

I held the book close to my chest and look down at the ground again, hoping the girl would go on her way and leave, but she didn't. Of course she didn't
Damn it all.

"I Haven't seen you around at all... You new here?" She asks, her voice could only be described as glittery and happy with a flair of innocence.
"I Uhm... Yeah. I moved here for my dads business..." I mumble quicky and to my surprise the girl smiles warmly and I straight away feel my walls drop at the sweet smile on her face.

"Well... I'm Heather, Heather McNamara... Its nice to meet you!"

Heather McNamara
Heather McNamara
Heather McNamara

"Hah... Heather Duke..." I reply weakly and her face lights up again as she squeals in excitement. "Wait we share names as well? That's actually so cool!" She grins and she opens her mouth to say something when the bell ringing through the hallway cuts her short. That's when all hell breaks lose as everybody starts running down the hallways trying to get to the classrooms pushing past me but when I turn to see Heather, she was untouched. People quite literally sidestepped to avoid her. Some offering her a hopeful smile to which she graciously returned.

"What class do you have Heather?" She suddenly asks and I gulp fumbling to find the timetable hiding under all the other books in my hand.
"Uh, I have English"
"Bummer... I have American History."

We both stand silently for a few seconds just watching each other before Heather points down the crowded hallway. "Go that way, then down the second hallway to your right. The classroom will be on the left." I give her a thankful nod as was just about to turn when I heard everything go eerily silent. I turn back to Heather only to see somebody standing next to her.

"Honestly Heather what did I tell you about running off?" The figure snaps, the voice was sharp and snappy and I feel myself freeze. She was tall, clad in a red blazer matching with her long strawberry blonde hair that fell in perfect ringlets around her shoulders. Her eyes had speckles of blue mixed with a sharp, grey, coldness that pierced straight through me.

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