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"so, how's the soup?"

"it tastes better than what patients get" hyunjae replied, which made the girl snort "true" she mumbled, before she went back to eating her food.

hyunjae started to work in shifts at the hospital a two days ago.

"oh, minha, hyunjae, your here —"

"she's taken, chan" minha deadpanned, which made the man sulk as he sat beside her "how's your third day here, kid?"

" oh, i am just like minha's assistant, i assist her in every surgery she attends" hyunjae replied, placing her spoon on the tray. "by the way, why are you still wearing your surgical gown?"

"oh, i just finished performing a surgery, but apparently a few more kids are still coming"

"kids? what happened?!"

"oh, apparently —"

"hey, sorry to bother your break time, but we need all of you right now, there are too many patients"

hyunjae watched as the two surgeons immediately stood up, and she did the same, as minha let out a sigh "i guess its time to say goodbye to you again, bibimbap. hyunjae, lets go"



"how was your shift?"

"tiring, i was assisting in a five-hour long surgery how was yours?" hyunjae said, as she laid down beside me "it's my first shift, so i just observed today, it was pretty... interesting" 

"was it fun?" i asked, turning around to face her, before i intertwined our hands together. "it was pretty calm until the ambulance showed up which a patient who had blood everywhere, and not even five minutes later, three more of them came, they let us help with the surgery since a lot of kids and adults came in severely injured. later we figured that someone bombed a school" 

hyunjae paused for a while, before she continued "seventy children and fourteen adults died, two hundred children and thirty adults survived, yet there are still fifty children who are declared as missing" 

"thats... cruel" i let out, i couldn't really think of what to say. "yeah, i am planning on changing my major now" she calmly said, making me frown as i sat up, with her doing the same

"hey... don't feel too overwhelmed. atleast you were able to save them —"

"they let me take over one case, and i mastered it up, but when they let me take over another one, i failed. she died from a cardiac arrest. i killed her, if i hadn't been so nervous, then —"

"hyunjae, its only your third day, its normal for that to happen, plus— like you said, the kid died from a cardiac arrest, you didn't kill her. you tried to save her, and so what if you couldn't do it today? you were feeling overwhelmed by the situation, believe it or not, if i went through that i would chicken out on the first second. you were brave for even stepping in there and helping the doctors on the other cases.

it takes time to do things, i mean — no surgeon is going to walk in a surgery room and immediately figure how to treat the patient, it takes a lot of experience. a lot of fails and successes, so don't just go on and blame yourself about it"

hyunjae let out a sigh as she looked down, before she muttered "you didn't see how devastated her parents were". i sighed, knowing that nagging would not be a solution, and so i patted her back, before standing up "i am going to get some ice cream, which flavour do you want right now?"

"vanilla's great, i guess"


guys m stuck — should i pick hematology or nursing?!

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