Dancing In The Kitchen

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Reaper would float into the kitchen, a long day of work now gone along with his scythe except for one thing. In Reaper's hands was a radio, the skeleton holding it close to his chest as he continued into the kitchen. Geno, his husband was in there when Reaper came in, setting the radio next to his lover who was currently doing the dishes. Reaper's face marked with that signature smirk he always had at the other, who was currently looking at him with the most confused expression.

"Explain." Geno would state upfront, raising a brow at his lover, a confused expression mixed with a frown on his face. He looked at his radio and then back up at Reaper waiting for the skeleton say something.

"It's a radio, my love" The taller would say with no further explanation, his smirk transforming into a smile as he quickly kissed his lover on the cheekbone, before pulling away and working on the radio. The skeleton messing with the dials on the machine as a loud *scricccch* came out of it.

Geno face would turn red at this, caught off guard by the kiss, his hand on his cheek as he looked at the skeleton with a shocked eye socket. He quickly shook his head, shaking himself out of his shock and flicking Reaper on the side of the head. "I know what a radio is, I mean explain why you got one."

Reaper would make a fake pout expression on his face, turning towards his husband though Reaper's hand would still be on the dial. "Well you've always looked so invested at those lovely scenes on the romantic films we watch" he would explained, rubbing at where he was flicked on the head.

"What scenes? I rarely watch romance films with you, there always so cheesy." Geno interjected, furrowing his brow, putting the dishes he had in his hand in the disk rack after grabbing a rag to dry it. He was somewhat defending himself for a reason he couldn't exactly voice but felt embarrassed nonetheless.

Reaper would chuckle at those words, shaking his head as he continued. "I know I know, but when you do, it usually old timey movies, where the couples are dancing in the kitchen with the radio playing music, both in each others arms like there's nothing else in the world" The romantic would explained, however he would start to trail off a little bit, getting caught up in his own words.

A large smile on his face as his eye sockets became half lidded, still somewhat focusing on the dials on the radio while talking to Geno. The shorter skeleton would start to turn red hearing him talk and it didn't help that he talked so fondly about it, Geno beginning to fidget with his hands, as he tried not to look away from Reaper.

Reaper taking note that he was starting to trail off would look right back at his lover, his smile turning into somewhat a smirk as he saw how Geno was acting, a chuckle escaping him. "So I brought this radio, so we can be just like that, dancing in the kitchen.." He would start to walk up to Geno, the radio finally starting to play music after his adjustments to them.

"With the radio playing music..." He would grab Geno's arms, putting them around his neck, dragging the one eyed skeleton closer to him as he put his arms around Geno's waist. The shorter skeleton looking up at him, his face being a mix of red and blue.

Geno didn't pull back though, wrapping his arms around Reaper's neck and top shoulders more properly as the Skeleton pulled him in closer. Reaper's teeth now near Geno's head as he grabbed onto Geno's waist more properly.

"And both of us in each other's arms..." Reaper purred until Geno's ear and the two began to sway slowly to the music that was echoing through the kitchen.

Geno closed his eyes as he laid his head onto Reaper's chest, Reaper resting his head on Geno's head in response. The grim reaper would smile fondly at the one below him, removing his hand from Geno's waist and connecting it to Geno's hands for a proper dance, Geno returning with a soft smile.

"Like there's nothing else but us two in the world." He'd say, pulling Geno in for a kiss, The shorter skeleton returning It as the married couple just danced in there kitchen, the radio playing classic old timey music.

It was just the two of them and that's all that matters, looking into each other's eyes as they danced like there were the only two in this world. The two in each other's arm, staring at the other with such fondness. Unfortunately the moment was ruined when the radio made a loud *schriiich* sound and crashed, the music coming out warped.

Reaper looked at the machinery with a frown evident on his face that soon turned into a pout as he felt Geno pushing him off him. He tried to keep hold of the other but relented as Geno gave him a glare, the shorter standing away from him and coughing, his face still bright red. Geno would walk over to the Radio, shutting the thing off with a loud smack from his hand, taking the thing off the counter, the bottom of it wet from being put near the sink.

"Oh.." Reaper realized, seeing that the open wires of the machine had gotten soaked in water, he having not paid attention really to where he put it.

"And now it's broken. You should take this back to where you found it or something. It's clearly been worn out severely." Geno would state, pushing the machinery into Reaper's chest. Reaper grabbing onto it as he looked at Geno with a pout on his face. "Where'd you even get it in the first place?" Geno would asked, covering his face with his scarf, his cheekbone still that bright color of red and blue.

Reaper seeing that would smile, gaining back more of his cocky energy that was diminished by the machine breaking. "Garage sale... snatched it off as it was in a box" He'd explain, using blue magic on the radio to place it on a shelf in the kitchen. "I don't think I will, I'm sure I could get Alphys to fix it, especially when I get to see such a lovely look on your face"

"I- well, just do whatever you want with it, I'm going to organize the laundry!" Geno would say quickly, already rushing out of the kitchen to the open doorway of the living room, but he stopped just for a second. "thank you that was lovely..." He'd muttered and than continue rushing out the door, purposely noting the huge dopey smiled on the other's face, knowing he heard him.

Reaper wouldn't chase after Geno, letting the other walk off, resting his face on his hand as he just continued to smile at his lover. Oh how inlove he was, Geno being his world. That thought would be interrupted as the radio would again screech, Reaper floating up to it on the top shelf, and ripping out the batteries of it annoyed.

"Toby Fox, I really need to get this thing fix quick."

I would love construction be criticism!! This is a fanfic for practice so advice is welcome!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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