Welcome to republic city.

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(OC looks like Rangi because she's hot)

The boat docked and as soon as the gates opened, people started to walk off the boat, one of them was clad in fire nation clothes. The girl tightened her grip on the backpack that she had flown over her shoulder, took a deep breath and then walked off of the boat.

She was scared.

She was scared that people would recognize her, in order to do that, she needed to keep her flames under control and avoid large crowds.

And control is something that she had never been good at.

It was in her blood to lose control. 

She remembered her grandmother's words loud and clear. 'You need to always stay true to yourself.'

The young Fire bending prodigy smiled to herself and walked on to the dock, the wood creaking beneath her feet, starting her search for the Avatar, after all, word had gotten out that the Avatar would be within the city of Republic City for her mastery over the last skill she needed. Airbending.

Her family had insisted that the young prodigy was meant to leave on a fire nation ship but the young one refused, not wanting to grab more attention than she probably already was going to get. As she walked off the boat, she looked at the statue of Avatar Aang, a small smile on her face despite her family having been his biggest enemy. She couldn't stay focused on the statue for too long as two slender arms and a light body threw themselves against the prodigy. 

Ty Lee chuckled and wrapped her arms around the slim body, stabilizing the both of them. "Good to see you again Asami."

The other girl couldn't help but laugh, her lips formed into a smile so radiant that it automatically warmed Ty Lee's heart. "I am so glad to see you again."

Ty Lee smiled as Asami let go of her, leading the older girl to her car. Ty Lee smiled, threw her bag into the back of the car and then jumped into the passenger's seat. "How about we get to my house first and then chat up?"

"That sounds like an excellent plan."

The both of them looked up as sirens wailed, watching the airship of the police department. The green-eyed woman sighed. "Looks like the department is busy today again too."

"Is there a lot of crime in this city?"

"Unfortunately.. Yes."

Ty Lee nodded her head and got lost in her thoughts, only being pulled out of them when Asami gently laid her hand on Ty Lee's leg. "We're here."

Ty Lee smiled politely and looked at the big mansion where her life-long best friend lived, retrieving her bag from the back seat and following the other girl into the house where Hiroshi welcomed her with open arms. Ty Lee smiled and gave the man a hug, the three of them sitting down for dinner and sharing all of their stories after not seeing each other for 5 years, Ty Lee setting her bag and her belongings down in the guest room before getting ready for bed. 

Clad in only some shorts and a tank top, she was busy  with putting her hair up when a knock resonated in her room, her shiny golden orbs looking up and focusing on the door where the sound had come from. "Come in."

The door opened slightly, Asami sticking her head through the door as her green orbs met Ty Lee's golden ones, slightly noticing the muscles on her friends arms as they were up to put her hair in a ponytail, pushing her thoughts to the back of her mind. "I'm really glad that you're back. The Avatar is giving a speech tomorrow."

Ty Lee nodded her head. She wasn't used to letting people see her in less than her every day armor but it was Asami after all, her voice soft. "Thank you for letting me know."

The door closed again and Ty Lee laid down in the guest bed, getting herself comfortable as she whispered to herself in the dark room. "It's good to be back." And with that, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next day Asami brought the Fire bending prodigy over to the place where the Avatar would be making her speech, seeing the young woman indeed, clearing her throat into the microphone. "Hello, I'm Korra, your new avatar." the poor woman had only introduced herself when reporters already started to bombard her with questions.

"Uh, yes, I am definitely here to stay, but, honestly. I-I don't exactly have a plan yet. See, I'm still in training, but, look. All I know is Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world. And I believe we can make his dream a reality. I look forward to serving you. I am so happy to be here! Thank you, republic City!"

During the speech, Ty Lee had noticed a couple of people also had started to notice her, making her push her best friend to her car. "I will catch up with you later. I promise."

Asami was beyond bewildered and completely out of focus on what was happening when a few reporters started to rush towards the girl who had distanced herself from the car. "Is it true that your flames are violet?" "What are you doing in Republic City?" "Does your arrival have to do with the Avatar?"

Everyone had recognized the prodigy of the Fire Nation now, a lot of people having different opinions on her as everyone knew that the girl was the granddaughter of the feared Azula. "Are you here to burn the city down?" "Do you want to kill the avatar?"

Ty Lee rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, a lopsided smile on her face as her golden orbs met Avatar Korra's blue orbs, their eye-contact heavy. "I am here to help Avatar Korra on her journey."

All eyes turned back to look at the Avatar who was standing on the podium, a smile on her face. "I can use all the help I can get."

And with that, Ty Lee's adventure started.

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