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The first Chapter of this hopefully amazing series is here. Chrome and the Ninja start their journey in this chapter. I hope you enjoy!

I don't own Ninjago, but I own Chrome as my Original Character. Ninjago is owned by LEGO.

Disclaimer: This story is rated M for Mature audiences. There will be heavy swearing, sexual scenes, and other themes as such. If you feel uncomfortable with these themes, this story is not for you.

"Normal Speech"
"Thoughts / Whispering"
"Ominous / Loud"
"Ominous Thoughts"
[Title / Time Skip / Scene Change / POV]


Four figures watched from above as the "intruder" was brushing his teeth. They were all coated in black and in a ninja Gi, well other than one who wore a black long sleeved coat with a hood covering his hair, and a scarf that covered the lower half's of his face. His sky blue eyes were the only things visible along with his pale tan skin.

The others, much like the first, had a hood, but unlike the first figure the hood covered their entire face beside their eyes.

???: "What's the plan, leader?"

???: "He's distracted. I say we ambush him."

???: "I sense that will not work."

???: "What do you mean, Zane?"

???: "He clearly is skilled for sneaking into Sensei's Monastery. It would be unwise to underestimate his skills."

???: "I agree with Zane on this. If Father couldn't sense his intrusion, he must be skilled. Tread lightly."

???: "Are you sure about that? I mean... look at him."

The four looked at the man to see him looking at himself in the mirror. His spiky hair seemed even more untamed than before. In their opinion, the Ninja thought he looked like a very arrogant teen.

???: "You never know, Cole, for all we know he could be working for Lord Garmadon."

???: "I sense Chrome is right. Why else would he be here?"

???: "Who cares?" There was a whine in his voice. "Let's just take care of him."

INTRUDER (Mockingly): "Get some sleep, huh?"

He was mocking someone, but who? The then started to use his toothbrush as a makeshift sword and pretending to battle. One of the ninja had to resist the urge to facepalm.

INTRUDER: "Well take this."

He started to swing the toothbrush around like a sword and pointed it at the wooden pillar one of the ninja were hiding behind.

???: "The hell?"

INTRUDER: "And this!"

He spun as if doing a tornado for a few seconds.

INTRUDER: "And this!"

𝓐𝓫𝓼𝓸𝓵𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵! (𝓑𝓞𝓞𝓚 1)Where stories live. Discover now