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Chapter Fifteen
July 9th, 2009

'Oh... my dear, it seems you have a choice to make.'

Caroline or Sheila. That was the ultimatum that Hannah had given her.

Athena also knew that Hannah wasn't here just because her brother was murdered. No, the doppleganger was here too.

Athena ran a hand through her hair as she stepped out of her car. Hannah had told her to meet in the woods when her decision was made.

The Heretic walked through the woods, listening for the woman. She didn't know how Hannah was going to know she was here, but she would. She had no doubt.

"Well, what's your decision?"

Athena paused in her step and turned around. The brunette smiled at Athena, winking at her. "You're not going to do anything to either of them," the redhead said with a shrug.

Hannah scoffed a bit, shaking her head. "Oh, Athena... I'm not afraid of you."

"I never said you were," Athena said, tilting her head as she met the woman's eyes, "but you should be. You're threatening two people I care very much about. Do you remember the last time someone threatened my witch?"

Hannah frowned a little.

1982. A massacre of vampires who tried to kill Sheila because she had given Klaus information about their whereabouts.

"You hurt both of us a long time ago, but we've moved on, Hannah. Sheila is just fine being single and I have a beautiful girl who likes me. I am not afraid of you because you, Hannah, are nothing," Athena stepped closer to the woman, glaring down at her, "so, my decision... is neither."

Hannah glared back at her, her fists clenched.

Athena smirked a bit at the woman, tilting her head. She stepped back. "I suggest you leave. Or you won't ever leave." She turned to start walking back to her car.

Hannah appeared in front of her, slashing a knife through the air. Athena dodged easily, catching the arm that came back to stab her in the face. She twisted Hannah's arm, the knife dropping from her hand. Hannah caught it with her other one, shoving upwards toward Athena's stomach.

The redhead caught it, throwing Hannah away. Hannah crashed into a tree, crumbling to the ground only to pop up a second later. She shot at Athena again, slashing through the air with the knife over and over again. The Heretic dodged most of them except for one.

She grimaced as pain flared across her stomach. She caught Hannah's arm, punching her in the face with the other. The brunette stumbled backward, shaking off the hit with a scowl. She lunged at Athena, tackling her to the ground.

Athena grabbed Hannah's arm right as the brunette brought it down. The knife was inches away from Athena's face. For some reason, the Heretic was so much weaker than usual.

Hannah used her other hand to dig her fingers into the wound on Athena's stomach. The redhead cried out, her strength faltering for a moment. Hannah used her own strength to shove the knife closer.

Athena clenched her jaw and thrust her hips up. She threw Hannah off of her when the woman was knocked off balance.

Before either of them could make a move, blood splattered onto Athena's face and Hannah dropped to the ground, her head blown to bits.

Athena blinked, looking up and finding Liz lowering a shotgun while staring at Hannah's body. She wasn't dead, unfortunately, but she would take a little while to heal. Jenna stood beside Liz, looking worried and not at all fazed by the dead body.

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