little heart

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Meerab was 7 years old and murtasim was 11 and they were playing in the fields one day.

Meerab: murtasim let's play catch

Murtasim: meerab it's getting late we should go or we'll get scolded

Meerab wasn't listening and she was adamant to play in the fields for longer

Meerab: please murtasim

Murtasim couldn't deny her doe eyes any longer and reluctantly agreed

They were playing and suddenly chaos occured meerab had accidentally tipped over his mother's favourite plant collection

Meerab panicked and elders rushed in

Ma begum was furious ready to burst any second but right before meerab said anything murtasim came forward

Murtasim: ma it was me who did it

Meerab glanced at murtasim with big eyes

Meerab: ma begum-

Murtasim:Ma Saab it was me I lost balance

That day although meerab was the true culprit it was murtasim that owned up for it and meerab couldn't help but feel immense amount of respect for him....

Was it the beginning she was unsure but it was the spark to the fire that raged in her heart years later....

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