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Chapter Eighteen
July 19th, 2009

Athena walked down the stairs, drying her hair with a towel. The boarding house was lonely was just her inside. It was eerily quiet other than the noises of the wildlife in the woods surrounding her home.

She has nobody to blame but herself for that one. Zach was here until she killed him.

Sometimes she wishes her brothers were still around and they were on good terms... she wouldn't be as lonely.

Or maybe she would. Those two never quite understood her in the way she needed.

Sheila made it a little less lonely whenever she was around. While she wasn't a Heretic, she was a witch. Athena had been a witch first, having grown up in this town being the only one with powers.

She sighed heavily, tossing the towel into the washer before she moved toward the living room. She was going to put on a fire and read for the rest of the night. Sleep wouldn't come to her. Part of her hoped Caroline would come by tonight.

She smiled a little at the thought of the blonde. Caroline was on better terms with her mother thankfully—though, their relationship hadn't improved very much considering the resentment Caroline held toward her mother's job.

"The Great Athena Salvatore smiling. My Gods, what has the world come to?"

Athena blasted the intruder backward, the person flipping over the couch and landing on the ground with a slight groan.

A familiar face popped up from behind the couch, scowling and glaring at the redhead. "That was rude."

"Sneaking up on people is rude," Athena shot back, staring at the doppelganger who jumped back over the couch and landed on the cushion with a bounce. "You should know better than anybody that sneaking up on me guarantees a couple of bruises."

"I suppose," Katherine said with a shrug, leaning back and crossing her arms as she grinned at the redhead. "You've been quite busy here, Atty."

Athena frowned back at her a bit, "I'm just trying to live, Kat. Why don't you skedaddle and let me do that?"

Katherine pouted at her. "Don't be so pissy, Athens. I merely came to visit an old friend. I'm not a fan of small towns. You know this," she drawled.

Athena huffed a bit and sat down on the other couch, crossing her leg over the other and leaning her head back. "Why come visit? You've had a week. I was expecting you the day after I was attacked."

"I got caught up with something. You know how the Gods are. That's why I couldn't be the one to help you the other day. I had to send an old friend."

"Yes. Jenna. What is she?"

"I won't tell you that, darling. If she wishes, she will tell you. Otherwise, my lips are sealed," Katherine grinned at the annoyed grunt Athena let out. "How is Sheila? The little witch still kicking?"

"And punching," Athena nodded, sighing. "She's worried about her granddaughter though. You know, since her daughter fucked off and lost her magic or whatever, she's been worried about Bonnie."

"Yeah. I remember a few conversations about that. Magic is such an interesting concept," Katherine murmured, staring past Athena's shoulder deep in thought. Athena would notice Katherine do that a lot when the word 'daughter' was thrown around. She never asked, she knew Katherine had gone through a lot even before she turned into a vampire. Obviously, the Petrova line had to of continued if Elena was here.

"How'd you know I was in trouble?" Athena asked, changing the subject and causing Katherine to snap out of it.

The brunette shrugged her shoulders. "I always know when you're in trouble. Like a sixth sense," she dismissed, waving her hand, "Sheila also called that day your little pet was attacked. Hoped I could come down here and knock some sense into you."

Athena huffed a bit through her nose. "She's not my pet, Katherine."

The vampire raised her hands in surrender. "Apologies. It's just, she's not your type. At least, not usually. Brunette, spunky, a bit mean—" she shot the redhead a wink which caused Athena to roll her eyes.

"I don't know what it is about her. She's just... different," Athena shrugged. She flushed a bit at the raised eyebrow that was shot at her. "I don't know how to explain it to you, Miss-I-Swore-Off-Love."

Katherine smiles at her, though it's dimmer and doesn't have the same effect as usual. Athena tilts her head, wondering what she said wrong.

"Well, if you feel this strongly for the girl... don't let her go," Katherine said, crossing her arms and giving her friend a sharp look, "and whatever you do... don't tell your brothers. I've been trying to keep them off your trail. Luckily for you, Damon's still so damn obsessed with me."

Athena grimaced a little. She didn't know who she felt more sorry for. Damon or Katherine. "You never really loved him?" She asked curiously, tilting her head.

The vampire stayed quiet for a moment. "I loved him... but not in the way he probably wanted me to. He was still caught up on that boy... Belly or whatever." Athena scoffed a little. "I think he was fascinated by me, not in love with me."

"And Stefan?" Athena's mouth thinned out a little. What Katherine had done to Stefan always made her uncomfortable. She may not be her little brothers biggest fan, but she knew that what Katherine had done to him was wrong. Very, very wrong.

Katherine's face screwed up a bit. "What I did to him was awful. I wanted to be loved by him because of that... well, you know. That spell or whatever. I was... not myself when I stumbled upon you three. When you told me about the immortality spell and the 'destined soulmates' or whatever... I..." Katherine frowned a little and glanced up at Athena.

The redhead gave her an encouraging smile.

"I was desperate. So I took what he didn't wish to give me. I don't know if he ever loved me... I don't think I ever loved him." Katherine shrugged, leaning her head back, "doesn't matter if I did or not. What I did wasn't okay. Though, you know I did apologize back in the 20s and tried to right my wrongs. He's a shit person honestly. I don't know if that was my doing or not, but he turned into a real prick."

"Honestly, I think he's always been a little like that. He knew how I felt about you before everything and he still pursued you. Both of them did. Then he did the whole Rebekah and Klaus thing—ugh. That was a bloody nightmare," she grunted, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes at the thought of Stefan.

Not that he remembered any of that. He had blacked out all of the 20s pretty much.


"Mm, yeah. I remember Lexi complaining endlessly and yet, that idiot is still friends with Stefan. Oh, I just realized he did the same thing to Lexi he did to you..." Katherine looked at Athena wide-eyed and the redhead shared the look.

Then they burst out laughing.

They calmed down a couple of minutes later. Katherine stood up, brushed herself off, and walked over to Athena. "Well, it was lovely seeing you again, Athena," she said and the redhead smiled up at her, "I have to get going. Zeus will throw a fit if I'm not back." The sky rumbled which caused Katherine to roll her eyes. She took Athena's hand and gave it a slight squeeze. "Don't ruin your happiness. You deserve it after everything. Let yourself be free, yeah?" She kissed Athena's forehead.

"I will try, Lady Katherine," Athena muttered, kissing the back of Katherine's hand.

The vampire winked at her and walked toward the front door. "Oh, and... if you ever need me... I'll know." Then she disappeared into the night.

Athena sighed a bit, the loneliness creeping back in as soon as she felt the silence press down on her from all sides.

Sometimes she wished she was still with Nik.

AN: I love Katherine, she's one of my favorite characters, but what she did to Stefan was definitely not okay. it's like what Damon did to Caroline and I feel like a lot of people brush over that. :/ 

thank you so much for reading!! hope you enjoyed!

finished: 05/04/24

wc: 1401

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