The land of Horror

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" Maybe, instead of sitting around and moping, help us figure out a way to bring Jay out of the Realm of Horror!"

That was the last straw. For too long, Mia had been patiently trying to think. But this was it. She stood up in a flurry and stomped right in front of her opponent.

" What did you just say?" She asked, cracking her knuckles.

" I said, stop moping and help! You're doing nothing!"

" Nothing? Oh, I'll show you nothing!" Mia held her hand up, and a sword flew into it. She had an ominous glimmer in her eyes.

" Uh, Mia?" Lloyd called from behind. " You're not going to do what I think you're gonna do, are you?"

" Yes, I am. He calls this nothing. He'll see nothing!"

" Ninja, please despair. Such actions are not beneficial for helping Jay."

As Mia's hand tightened around the hilt of the sword, a tense silence settled over the room. Her eyes blazed with determination, fueled by the frustration of being dismissed one too many times. Kai, realizing the gravity of the situation, took a step back, his earlier bravado fading in the face of Mia's unwavering resolve.

Lloyd's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Mia, wait! Think about what you're doing."

But Mia was beyond reasoning. With a swift movement, she swung the sword towards the table, slicing through it effortlessly. Wood splintered and shards flew across the room, a testament to the power simmering within her.

Kai's eyes widened in shock as he stumbled backward, realizing the mistake he had made in underestimating Mia's capabilities. "I-I didn't mean..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Mia advanced towards him, her every step echoing with purpose. "You think I'm doing nothing? You think this is nothing?" she demanded, her voice low and dangerous.

Lloyd moved to intervene, his hands outstretched in a gesture of peace. "Mia, please, let's calm down and talk about this rationally."

But Mia's anger was tempest, raging unchecked. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a gust of wind swirling around Kai, lifting him off his feet and pinning him against the wall. His eyes widened in disbelief as he struggled against the invisible force.

"Ninja, please despair," Master Wu's voice echoed in the room, a gentle reminder of the consequences of their actions. "Such actions are not beneficial for helping Jay."

Mia hesitated, the fury in her eyes gradually giving way to realization. With a deep breath, she lowered her hand, releasing Kai from the wind's grip. As he slumped to the ground, Mia turned away, her resolve unshaken but tempered by wisdom.

"Fine," she said, her voice measured but firm. "Let's figure out a way to bring Jay back. But next time, don't underestimate what I'm capable of."

As Kai nodded in agreement, Nya took charge, her voice steady as she directed the group's focus. "Let's go over what we know," she said, her tone commanding attention.

Mia, still brimming with frustration, interjected with a mix of sarcasm and seriousness. "My brother is stuck in a land which we know nothing of, except that it sucks people, and there's a really bad voice that comes out of nowhere," she summarized, her words laced with bitterness.

Cole's response was brief but pointed. "Great," he muttered, his tone reflecting the gravity of their situation.

Meanwhile, Mia couldn't contain her restlessness, pacing around the room and blurting out disjointed thoughts. Her agitation was palpable as she struggled to find a solution.

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