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May's POV

Minutes had passed, I went down after doing what the paper had said, it was best that I follow the rules in this house, after all, everything changed... From my once normal house in my first life, had then become a whole mansion with long corridors and many rooms... "I could easily get lost in here..."

"Perhaps I could draw a map of my own for this house... No, this mansion has 3 storeys... And with long corridors, the rooms and the twists and turns... It would consume a lot of my time..."

It took several minutes before I was able to find the dining hall... And it took a lot of acting to few of the servants in this house, into asking where Mother and Mary are without giving the suspicions.. in other words, I was exhausted... But for now, I have to endure the exhaustion for a bit longer, now I had to face Mother and Mary...

"Mother! Mary! Sorry for my tardiness, but I'm here... Were you able to open the letter father had sent?" I asked as I pretended to act normally in front of them... For now I needed information, and there best place to start is with my mother and sister...

"No May, we haven't opened it yet, we know how upset you will get if we opened it without you..." May said while giving me a smile.. I missed my sister's smile... I missed them so much... If I would I could've cried in front of them, and having them to spoil me with love and comfort like any other person would do, if ever they were able to return back to the past... But this isn't MY Mother and Mary... And I haven't seen Father yet... I can't let my emotions come first...

"Then can we open it now?! I want to know what father has sent! We haven't seen him in such a long time!" I jumped with excitement, continuing my act of being normal... But, Why is this scene so familiar?

"Now May, have your manners and sit down like a lady,  we will open the letter shortly okay?" Mother spoke while looking at me sternly, yet still speaking in a soft tone... Why was it familiar?...

"But Mother! We have to know! Don't pretend that you aren't dying to know what father has sent too!" Mary complained as I sat down quietly, observing everything that has been happening... Why is everything so fäm8lìā4..? I féēl līkē ív3 2æß h34ē bēfœ4... and at that point, I zoned out...

Why is everything so familiar?Why did I feel like I have been in this situation before?How come I never had this scene in my first life? How did they ever get a letter from father in the first place?What does father look like? Are these people who are surrounding me not real?Is this whole world a dream?Why am I getting a sense of DÉJÀ VU?... Why-

"May!" Someone called me and pulled me back to reality... It was mother... She was crying... "May, what happened? You weren't speaking at all for a few minutes... We thought you had a seizure... We were worried, we almost had to call a few servants to call a doctor...." Mary went closer to me... She hugged me... But it didn't feel right.. It didn't feel like the warm yet tight hug MY sister gives... this one was cold, and it wasn't as tight as Mary's usual hugs...

I pushed Mary off me as I brushed off the imaginary dirt off my clothes.. and then looked at my Mother and sister, to find them shocked and hurt by my actions... I had messed up.. "Sorry Mary, I was shook for a while, sorry for pushing you, are you hurt? Did I push you too hard?" I lied once more, trying to not be suspicious, I needed to lie, these two are on top of my list of the most... Changed people...

"Don't worry May, I'm fine, I was just a bit hurt about you pushing me, but you're reason justified everything." May spoke kindly towards we while holding my hands with hers... Thus really isn't my older sister, but I must continue to act.

"Still I'm sorry for pushing you Mary..."

"May, I'm fine, you don't need to worry, I wasn't hurt at all."

"Okay.. but now can we open the letter Father had sent?! I had made everyone wait for such a long time!" I said as I took my eyes off my sister and then looked at my mother...

"Alright then, come here you two, Let's open the letter..." Mother spoke as she beckoned for us to come near her, we huddled around while Mother opened the letter carefully... but, I had another feeling of DEJA VU and a sense of...


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