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The sun had sunk into the horizon, smearing a dark hue of indigo to the sky and leaving streaks of violet clouds to slowly drown. That night, rain had finally plummeted the grounds of Ba Sing Se, after the scorching sun rays threatened to burn their only crops for the season. The fresh smell of petrichor wafted through the air of the small city, showering mercy upon the civilians. Many would have considered tonight a blessing, but to King Zhang of Ba Sing Se, this night was a curse to his reputation.

"I wanted a son!" He declared. The anger rose in his voice, echoing through the infirmary, "I wanted an heir!"

The Queen nestled on the bed, her head hung low in dejection as she gently stroked the newborn's face. The midwives and nurses glanced down, too afraid to look their ruler in the eye as if it was their error, but none of them, not even the Queen dared to utter a single word in the presence of their King, for it would be their demise if they did so.

This was their third daughter, their third attempt for an heir - King Zhang had mercilessly buried the other two firstborn girls and wasn't hesitating to attempt the same ruthless action on the third one. A façade quickly spread through the public that the first two daughters had perished from an illness, but the public was not ignorant enough to believe it was a simple coincidence that the third daughter happened to pass from the same reason.

The King sipped in air through his teeth and began pacing towards the Queen. His opposing figure shadowed over her. Disappointment lingered in his eyes as his voice roared, "I will spare the child," His tone declined slowly, "However, she will not be considered a child of mine - the public will not know of her existence."

The Queen's lips curved into a despondent frown, the look of sorrow blanketed her face like the clouds blanketing the sunlight. The King promptly turned to leave the room, the two guards adorned in Earth Kingdom armour following him soon after. The doors slammed shut, just as the clichéd thunder growled and lightning lit up the dim room.

Queen Hua glanced at her newborn, a single grain of hope lighting upon the sight of the baby's innocent smiles and giggles, "What should I name you, little one?" she spoke, stroking the child's ink-black curls, "Your green eyes are as bright as the delicate jade and hair as dark as a raven feather" she whispered, suddenly pausing to admire the beauty of her daughter.

"How about, Daiyu? Princess Daiyu"

The child began to prattle delightedly, her small beams lighting the already sombre room and little arms flailing towards her mother. The beautiful meaning of Daiyu was 'black jade' reflecting her curls and her eyes. It was a name that Queen Hua's mother would have chosen for the baby, a name that holds great significance in her eyes.

It was only 3 years later, when King Zhang's wish was finally fulfilled - an heir to his throne. To this news, he held a grand feast, a ball and proudly announced the tidings to the world. Now all the citizens of the other kingdoms knew he had a prince but only their rulers knew of the princess. 

Daiyu's neglect only worsened afterwards, the only love from Queen Hua and a few private maids and teachers, but even their love wasn't enough to satisfy the little girl's heart. She wanted to be known to the world, receive gifts like Prince Haoran, and join the King and Queen on the yearly elemental festival, commemorating the first Avatar. But she couldn't have that life and she was compelled to accept that appalling fate.

When Daiyu turned 8, her younger brother began his earthbending training at 5 from a well known earthbending master who had offered one-to-one mentoring. She too wanted to join him, but her father's request of keeping her existence a secret blocked her desires, so she patiently watched, observed, analysed the moves, the hand gestures, the actions and would secretly attempt to earthbend in her room; she'd occasionally fail, sometimes succeed, most times she'd break one or two small vases; but as she continued practise more, her abilities had gone beyond her own brother's boundaries and she was soon able to feel vibrations from north to south and east to west, clad herself in rock, and walk inside walls, eavesdropping on anyone's conversation.

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