The Shadow Sovereign's Descent

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Subaru felt the blade pierce through his guts, a searing pain that brought him to his knees. Blood gushed from the wound, and his vision blurred. Desperation clawed at his heart as he reached out towards Satella, who stood just out of reach.

 Desperation clawed at his heart as he reached out towards Satella, who stood just out of reach

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"I will protect you... I will protect you..." he choked out, his voice fading to a whisper. The world around him darkened, the pain becoming a distant memory as consciousness slipped away. His last thought was of Satella, her safety, and his failure.

Subaru's eyes snapped open, but he saw nothing—just an endless expanse of darkness. He tried to move, but his body felt weightless, ungrounded in the void. Panic began to rise within him as he realized he was utterly alone.

Then, a voice cut through the emptiness, deep and resonant. "Do you want power?"

Subaru spun around, heart pounding. Behind him stood a regal and imposing figure, shrouded in dark, shadowy armor. His presence was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a beacon of raw power and authority in the midst of the void.


Subaru took a step back, eyes wide with fear. "Who... Who are you?" he stammered. "What do you want from me?"

The figure regarded him silently for a moment before speaking. "I am Ashborn, the Shadow Sovereign. I once ruled the shadows and commanded immense power. Now, I am but a remnant, searching for a vessel worthy of my strength."

Subaru's fear began to mingle with a spark of excitement. Could this be his isekai protagonist moment? The chance to gain incredible power and save Satella? He clenched his fists, determined to seize any opportunity to protect her.

Subaru hesitated, his mind reeling from the sudden onslaught of memories. "What do you mean by 'vessel'?" Subaru asked, his voice steadier now. "And why me?"Ashborn's eyes glowed with an ethereal light. "I have sensed your determination, your unwavering resolve to protect those you care about. It is a strength that resonates with my own. I offer you my power, Subaru Natsuki. With it, you can overcome any foe, protect those you love, and reshape your destiny."

Subaru listened intently, his heart pounding in his chest. The thought of gaining such incredible power was both thrilling and terrifying. But as Ashborn continued to speak, Subaru's curiosity grew.

"You are not of this universe," Subaru observed, a note of realization in his voice. "Why come here? And why choose me as your vessel?"

Ashborn nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Indeed, I am not of this universe. My powers are not native to this realm. If I were to bestow my abilities upon someone from my own universe, they would inherit the abilities of my successor as well. This would prevent me from fully merging with the nothingness, ensuring my eternal existence."Subaru's brow furrowed in confusion. "But why travel here? Why me?"

Ashborn's gaze softened, and he spoke with a hint of nostalgia. "Long ago, I bestowed my powers upon a man named Jin Woo from another universe. He became the Shadow Monarch and wielded my abilities with great skill. In return, he provided me with the System, created by Kandiaru, the Architect. With this system, he was able to grow stronger and absorb my powers completely."

Realization dawned on Subaru as he connected the pieces. "So you seek someone who can wield your powers and the System to their fullest potential?"

Ashborn nodded. "Precisely. And I sense that you possess the potential to do just that, Subaru Natsuki. Together, we can ensure that my powers are not lost to the void."

Subaru hesitated, weighing his options. He had been powerless, helpless in the face of danger. This might be his only chance to change that, to become someone capable of protecting Satella and those he cared about.

Finally, with a determined glint in his eye, Subaru made his decision. "I accept," he declared, his voice resolute. "I will become your vessel, Ashborn. I will wield your powers and the System to their fullest potential, and I will protect Satella with all that I am."

Ashborn's smile widened, a sense of satisfaction radiating from him. "Very well, Subaru Natsuki. This shall be our first and final meeting. Farewell."

With those words, Ashborn's form began to fade, dissolving into the darkness. Subaru watched in awe as the shadowy figure disappeared, leaving behind only a lingering sense of power and purpose.

As Subaru embraced his newfound destiny, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him. With a sense of determination burning in his heart, he closed his eyes, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

When he opened them again, Subaru found himself standing in the same apple store where his journey in this world had begun. But this time, he was different. This time, he was ready to embrace his role as the protagonist of this story and protect Satella at all costs.

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