day to day

5 1 0

And I don't know what to think,
I guess three weeks is a lot of time
It will be difficult to resume this conversation... wink, link, pink...

(How many times have I had to be rejected?)
"haha watch this video"
(How many times must I have cried)
"Music is not music if it is stereo".

How often,
And not chosen.

Live a pink lie,
To hide your black reality,
Look for the white side and you will see it,
You don't have to get caught in the blue.

Call my doctors,
Will they see the stars?
Maybe my therapists,
Being an arsonist.

Because they heal your life,
Because nothing shines brighter,
Because in my head I'm still in a strife,
Because I felt I should be red and being a fighter.

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now