1 - My Perfect Life

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Kokichi's POV

My name is Kokichi Ouma, I'm 17, and my life is pretty normal. I wake up, brush my teeth, eat my breakfast, then run to catch the bus. I go to high school, but I'm a generally shy kid, with 1 friend.

Her name is Kaede Akamatsu, and she's the most talented pianist I've ever met. She's beautiful, kind, funny, she's the perfect friend. She tells me I'm a good friend too, but I doubt that. We met during middle school, lunch time, when I was the new kid. She was one of the popular kids back then, and I couldn't figure out why she wanted to sit with me. Everyone else had their small table groups, while I sat down in the corner. We sat and talked and we basically just clicked.

I have to admit though.

I kind of...
Have a small crush on her...

But I can't tell her. It would probably ruin our friendship. She's the only one I can talk to anyway.

My parents are too busy taking care of my 9 siblings (yes, there's 10 of us) to listen to what I have to say. I'm the oldest, and I pretty much regret asking for siblings. They're noisy and annoying. But I still love them.

But we have a stable family. My dad is CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world. And my mom is his assistant. But I've never told anyone that they're my parents. We don't even look alike, me being adopted of course. So nobody would believe me anyway.

I love my family.

I love my life.

My perfect life.

Obsessed (Pregame Stalker Shuichi x Pregame Shy Kokichi AU)Where stories live. Discover now