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Long ago, during the life of the first Seeker, a covenant was made between the wolves and the Seeker: by blood and magic, for every Seeker, there will be a wolf born bound to him. And in return, the wolves will be given territory in the Old World, where they will be safe from being hunted.

These were no ordinary wolves, as you have probably figured out. They could walk on two legs in the guise of humans, and use ancient magics if they so pleased.

They were called Ruvala, and they were hunted mercilessly, as their pelts could be fashioned into magical cloaks.

With their covenant, the Ruvala traveled to the Old World. They would know the Seeker's Wolf by certain signs.

The first and foremost being that the one born to be bound to the Seeker, would be born with black eyes that held no whites. Their eyes would remain this way until their sixth summer of life, before becoming a brilliant shade of blue.

Aia was the first Seeker's Wolf born in many years. Her people trained her for the passing of sixteen summers before exiling her from the Old World, to go and find the new Seeker and join him on his quest.

It took Aia two years to find Kahlan Amnell, and another two years before they set off with Kahlan's sister, to the Westlands -- to Heartland, to find the Great Wizard and The Seeker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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