Ch-30 | ask me again

26 1 19

September 18, 1994, Sunday

Nora's POV

I was with the girls near the dark lake, we were just sitting and talking and listening to music. It was just the four of us. We didn't really get time for just us these days. We were always surrounded by our friends from Hogwarts.

I was lying on my back, looking at the sky. The clouds were passing over our heads. I envied the way they float around, carefree. I was not the emo type. I didn't have much to worry about, except, family, studies and now Draco's confession.

I looked to my side to see Iris saying some cheesy pickup line to Carla. "Okay! Listen to this one. If I could rearrange alphabet, I'd put U and I together"

"Hey! I'm the only one you're allowed to flirt with," I exclaimed. Iris laughed and the other two rolled their eyes in unison. "But that one was a bit boring," I said. "And maybe Theo can be an exception,'' I smirked, looking back at the sky.

"Why would you say that?" Iris asked. We all turned to look at her and she muttered, "Fine, Fine. But I've never flirted with him or any guy for that matter"

"Why not make a move?" I suggested, sat up and crossing my legs. "Nah... he prolly doesn't feel that way and I don't think it's anything more than a tiny crush,"

"You should give it a shot though," I told. Why not help my friends by playing cupid?

"You know she won't do that. Why are you wasting time and energy?" Carla spoke as she grabbed a pack of skittles from her back.

I sighed and went back to my lying position. Maybe I could make Theo make the first move. If they start to date, I'd totally ship them. I also ship Cynsley, let's just say I'm a supportive friend.

"Enough of me. What you gonna do about Draco? You've not sorted that out yet,"

I've successfully survived the tension between us for the past two days. But I doubted it would last any longer.

I heaved yet another sigh. "I don't know what to do. I do wanna be his girlfriend, obviously. But I don't know how to tell him" I told. "Hmm.."

"And I'll have to face my mom if I start dating when I'm 14,"

"Draco might be an exception. He tops the class, he's rich and he could prolly find a good job at the ministry or something" Ainsley commented. "What else an Asian mom would want? My dad would adopt him, if he could" I chuckled at what she said.

"Okay, y'all wanna play a game of monopoly? I have it in my bag," I blurted, desperate to change the topic from my love life. I pulled it out of my bag and placed in the center.

"Why the fuck do you have that in your bag?" Ainsley asked. "I thought we could play when we come down here. Remember, I was the one who suggested the idea"

And that's how my Sunday evening went.

The great hall was filled with noises of students. Everybody was talking and eating merrily. I was eating a piece of chocolate truffle cake. The menu today had a lot of desserts.

The chocolate cookies were damn good. I had four to five of those.

After a few minutes, there was only one cookie left. Draco and Ainsley's eyes were fixated on the last cookie. I looked at them, curious as to what would happen.

Their eyes left the cookie and locked with each other. As if on cue, they held out their hands.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

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