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Alcina gracefully moves across the stone floors, her polished heels making no sound amidst the bustling steps of her maids. As she walks past a few women, her elegant presence is accompanied by the delicate scent of rose and blackberry perfume.

Approaching the coffee area, she notices a table adorned with a coffee machine and prepared tea. Slowly lifting the cup of tea, she inhales its aroma and finds solace. Her eyes roll back in satisfaction. The warmth emanating from the cup provides a pleasant contrast to her chilled fingers, and she scolds herself internally for forgetting her gloves, aware that such absent-mindedness is uncharacteristic of her.

The sizzle of bacon in a frying pan attracts Alcina's attention, prompting her to leave the spacious kitchen. She greets her maids with a calm "good morning", "hello", or a nod of her head before gracefully making her way to the dining table, a melody playing in her mind.


Alcina takes a satisfied sigh, bringing the steaming cup to her lips and thinking to herself, 'My favorite', as the soft sound of a distant piano reaches the room, mirroring the hum airing from her lungs.

After a few moments, the song ends with a quiet whine, almost like a lone wolf howling at the moon.

Soft footsteps pad down the mahogany steps, accompanied by the buzzing of several flies.

The first thing Alcina sees when she takes her eyes off her cup is the bright smiles on her daughters' faces.

Bella, Cassandra, and Daniela; her reason for living what she deems such a cursed life.

"Good morning, Mother!" Daniela shouts happily as she attacks her mother's midsection for a big warm hug.

Alcina places her tea down to bask in the warmth of her youngest and sweetest.

"Good morning, my little bug. Has the night been kind to you?" Alcina asks, thinking back to the fallen snow that had sprinkled the earth last night.

Daniela takes the seat to the right of her mother, liking to be close to her, and giggles softly. "Yes, mother, no need to worry. I slept fine."

Cassandra's eyes roll before taking the left side of the table, while Bella takes the end, mirroring her mother. "Yeah, that's because you had me last night," she states, scooting her chair in. She picks up a butter knife and points it at her little sister. "You're welcome, by the way."

Daniela's blue eyes roll as she tsk and unwraps the napkins binding the utensils and tucks the white bib into the neckline of her white dress. "You would've done it anyways even if I had not asked you," the younger sister admits.

Cassandra's eyebrows raise. Her honey-brown eyes are wide and shining in interest. "And do pray to tell?" she inquires.

Daniela smirks and clasps her hands delicately together onto the adorned flower pattern table before her. "You're like mother in a different skin. Anxious and paranoid but never one to show emotion - well, not your true emotion that is."

Bella sighs when the maids enter the dining room, pirouetting around dishes on silver round trays. Their simple grey dresses twirl around their soft ankles as they maneuver around one another, decorating the long table with food fit for a queen.

Lady Alcina quirks an eyebrow at her youngest but says nothing otherwise.

Cassandra mutters a quiet 'whatever', her face going back to stoic as she replaces her knife with a spoon and dips it into the steaming porridge before her.

The fresh aroma of baked buttered bread, potatoes, bacon, and eggs fills the four women's nostrils. The last item to be placed is a shiny cup of red wine.

The lady of the house smiles as she picks up the cup, inhaling its unique scent. She takes a small sip, and the liquid flushes her insides, warming her belly in soothing waves.

Once the maids leave to finish cleaning up the kitchen and preparing their own breakfast, Alcina speaks. She places her cup down and then eyes her daughters softly. "It is odd to have to say this, but the revelations must be true as they come from Mother Miranda's lips herself. It has come to my attention that The Duke will be visiting us this afternoon. He has a special offer he would like to present, specifically to me," Alcina says.

Bella, the ever-so-soft-spoken lady, goes rigid in her seat. Her dark eyes narrow, and the taunt muscles in her slim neck stiffen. "The Duke!" she exclaims uncharacteristically. The mushroom on her spoon falls into the small bowl before her as she lowers the gleaming utensil into the bowl.

Bella's mother's brows furrow for a fraction of a second while gazing at her eldest before replacing it with an easygoing smile. "Yes, The Duke, Bella, as I just said."

Bella, noticing the forced smile of her mother and the quiet exchange of looks between her two younger sisters, spreads a faint heat onto her cheeks that thankfully wasn't strong enough to show. Bella relaxes her silhouette in faux interest. "Are we all to be present?"

"Mother Miranda didn't say it was an invitation for my ears alone," Alcina points out.

Daniella mutters a loud "hmm."

Bella exhales noticeably, her eyes softening, and resumes eating. One corner of Alcina's mouth tilts up at Bella's ease.

"So with that being said, do be presentable by quarter noon," Alcina demands.

All daughters pause to give their mother approving grins.

"Yes, mother."


(The Dukes Arrival )

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