Tired of me.

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And what is life without motivation?
What is life without purpose?
What is life being more gone every day?
I feel lost, I'm losing it, I will lose everything.

Does everyone think I'm a liar?
On my t-shirt it says "I don't trust nobody",
But no one really believes that I can become a star,
Nobody believes me, nobody believes in me, anybody.

Just don't try it,
I told myself,
Since I saw how long it took you to read it,
But what would they have said about me if no one even responds to my messages anymore?

Maybe they just got tired of me,
Maybe I should have killed myself,
Maybe I should do it now,
Would I...

I can't even go to my bed,
They don't even let me sleep,
All of this led me to...
When I heard the car beep....

When I go to bed they think...
Do you think I have killed someone?
I can't say it in words, just express the feeling.

If It Goes Up, Must Come Down. [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now