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Disclaimer: I've only seen the first two seasons and the most recent season so far, so there's a lot I still don't know. I just had the inspiration strike and I had time today and whipped this out. Sorry for any typos or lore mistakes

Eddie wasn't thinking straight. It was always like this when he had one too many drinks. Normally Buck would've joined him, but tonight he was "busy" with Tommy. He tried not to let it bother him, after all Buck and Tommy are his friends and they're dating, but dammit couldn't he have just one night with Buck? With his best friend? It felt like forever since they last had a proper hangout. Buck said he would come, but then Tommy needed to see Buck for something. Eddie was too drunk to remember. All that really mattered was that he was alone. And now as the clock approached midnight, all Eddie could think was "he has to be home by now."

Against his better judgment, Eddie Diaz pulled out his phone and ordered an Uber to Buck's place. He just needed to see why his best friend had been too busy for him. Really all he wanted was to see the look on Buck's face when he showed up at his door. Buck always got a spark in his eyes, like Eddie was some precious gem that Buck felt the need to admire with care. And something about that look made Eddie feel powerful. He had seen the way Buck looked at Tommy and it was never quite like that. Yeah, Eddie needed to see that look on Buck's face, if only to remind himself of how important he was to Buck.

The Uber arrived and picked up Eddie no problem. As the drive went on, Eddie could slowly feel his senses returning to him. He hadn't drunk enough to be completely out of it, he just drunk enough to relinquish control to the more primal urges he had. He thought about what Buck would say when got there and he suspected Buck would probably make him stay on his couch. Buck was always trying to do sweet things that Eddie never asked for. It was nice but thinking about that only made Eddie angrier. Where was that guy when Eddie needed him? He had been under so much stress with Marisol lately he could really use that guy right about now. And as the Uber pulled up to Buck's building, Eddie smiled with the realization that guy was about to see him, whether he wanted to or not.

Eddie stumbled his way up to Buck's apartment and gave a loud knock before he remembered the time and quieted his thumping. After about 20 seconds, a tired looking Buck opened the door and he took a step back in surprise at seeing Eddie. Mouth agape, but Eddie could see that spark in his eye. His spark. He knew Buck was happy to see him.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Busy!" Eddie slurred out, "You don't look busy to me. You look tired"

"Yeah" Buck started, "well people tend to be busy at midnight Edmundo. What are you even doing here this late?"

"Edmundo?!" Eddie repeated, "why are we using full names now? Did you learn that from Tommy? Sorry, Thomas. Is Thomas having you call everyone by their full names, Evan?"

Buck got a slight smirk on his face that he quickly wiped away.

"Yeah you've had a little too much haven't you Edmundo? Come on, you know Evan's here to take care of you."

"Good because he wasn't here earlier when I needed him" Eddie interjected. He invited himself inside Buck's apartment and was surprised at how in control he actually felt. He began to wonder if he was even all that drunk anymore.

Buck followed him concerned, "Wha- what do you mean? Did something happen between you and Marisol? Eddie talk to me"

"Oh so I'm Eddie again?" Eddie playfully punched Buck's arm, maybe a little too hard. He forgot how buff Buck was.

Eddie took a seat on the couch while Buck fetched him a glass of water. When he came back and took his seat, Eddie couldn't help but admire how soothing Buck's eyes were. He would probably never admit it, but Eddie couldn't help but be a little jealous at how lucky Tommy was to have those eyes in his life. They were the kind of eyes you could get lost in for minutes, hours, days, Eddie wasn't quite sure. All he knew was that he was feeling even more sober just from looking at them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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