Twd x Ellie (requested)

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A/N: requested by @fanfiction_lover14 . Tried my best 🤞🙏

The outbreak happened about a month ago. I was in school, like always, until one of our students fell sick.David had a big bite mark on his arm, which concerned our teacher, and before David could go to the nurse, he fell dead. Our teacher tried to calm our class down and called the ambulance.Before the ambulance could arrive, David opened his eyes again.Those eyes had no soul in them however.

David, now a part of the dead, jumped on multiple students and bit them. Alot of us tried to stop him, it wasn't until Leo, our class president, stabbed him in the head and his life came to an end, for the second time. The number of non-bitten people was low and we were all sent home.

Which I never got to go. I stepped out of my school and already noticed the situation. The streets were filled with panick, and a lot of people, were already one of the dead.

I couldn't go home. I would never make it alive. I called my mom, and she didn't pick up. Panicking I called my dad. My dad picked up. He was bitten already. He told me that he loved me, and that my brother and I should fight this together. He told me he loved us, while he was holding my half-dead mother in his arms.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't hear anything. In that moment the world stopped. It was like time didn't exist. It was a dream, it had to be a dream. I wanted to give up everything right there and then. I would rather die than continue to live in this world. I could hear my name being screamed by a familiar voice. I saw my brother running toward me, just in time to catch me as I fell to the ground. I still couldn't breathe. This had to be a terrible nightmare.

A trailer stopped infront of us and told us to go in. My brother helped me inside, and the old man tried to drive us outside of the city. Which he thankfully did, because just after nightfall, Atlanta was bombed. 30 people including us formed a group and set up a camp.

It's been almost 2 months since the outbreak. I've been learning self defense with, first Shane, now both Shane and Rick. Rick, our newest member, now even leader, was in a coma for a month, before miraculously finding his son and wife. Poor guy doesn't know that his wife and best friend were fucking the whole month.

I can't blame them tho. It's the best thing you can do when the world is ending. But aside from that, our group has had complications. Most of us don't get along. We have all formed small groups within each other. Finn and I have bounded with Dale, Joel and his daughter Ellie.

Even tho most of us dont get along with eachother, we a ll agree on one thing. We all hated Ed. Ed was a disgusting man, and even tho nobody openly talked about it, we all knew hewas hitting his wife, Carol. Carol,  her abusive husband and daughter didnt talk to anyone.
Even tho Joel always tried to help Carol in any way, it always backfired on her.

Just like today. I was sitting next to the River, washing some clothes with some other Ladies. Carol was amongst them. At first the conversation started off innocent, but how it usually goes it soon turned into gossiping about men and how they are in bed.
Lori made some jokes, which we all laughed about, heck even Carol laughed.

"And you Y/N? Have you had a boyfriend yet?"
Lori asks me.
"Or do you fancy someone here? We could give you some advice, from woman to woman"

I smiled and looked over to where Joel and Ellie were training. "No .. im not really into... that"

They looked at me confused.
"When I was at your age, I dreamed of having a boyfriend" Carol told me with a smile on her face.

"Ill find the right one when the time is right" I answer and the women continued their talk.

I looked over my shoulder again, to see Ellie again. After the outbreak, she was the only one who was like me. She was a girl and around my age. Thats why we became close.

We talk everyday and spend most of our time together. But the innocent friendship didn't last long. Ellie soon began flirting with me. Not like the way boys used to flirt.
I actually enjoyed her flirting.

I smiled, she looked so cute training with Joel. Training was something Shane wanted us all to do. We all needed to know how to defend ourselves.

The women stopped laughing and soon I noticed why, Ed, Carols husband stood behind them, creepily watching us. Andrea had enough.
She stood up trying to tell Ed to leave but he wouldn't budge.
He got aggressive wich made the rest of us stand up, incase he would hit Andrea. He didn't, instead he hit Carol.

All of us tried to attack him back, but he was stronger. Shane came running towards us and started beating the shit out of Ed.
He didnt stop beating Ed until he was on the ground half unconscious.

Ellie and Joel soon came to the scene to help Carol.

Fast forward 30 minutes. Im at the same place, thinking about how much better the world would have been without some men.

Ellie came next to me and took me by my arm and turned me towards her.
"You ok?" She asks and I shake my head.
"No. Shane should have killed him." Ellie nods and hugs me.
"Ew, you smell" I push myself away and hold my nose.
"You're the one to talk" I smell my shirt and notice Ellie was right.

Ellie took off her shoes and socks. "What are you doing?" I ask her and she points towards the lake.
"We are taking a swim"
I shake my head. "We?"
Ellie nods. "Ellie Im not going in the water!"

"Yes you are! You pointed out how much I smell, so lets go"
She grabs my arm and I try to run away. "NO ELLIE!Let go"
Ellie picked me up Bridal style and started walking in the water. I screamed.
"No,Ellie put me down! Nowww"

Ellie threw me in the water. The water was cold and I immediately came up. "I hate you"
She smiled at me. "No you dont"

Ellie and I start play fighting in the water. Even tho the water was cold. I took Ellie by the hair and tried to drown her. She grabs my Hand and doesn't let it go.
„Ah. Let go" I screamed and Ellie did. I get out of the water, soaking wet and freezing. Ellies coming out of the water, right behind me.

"Im freezing, thanks to you" I say and Ellie shrugs. "At least you dont smell anymore" I roll my eyes and Ellie grins, stepping closer to me. I look at her with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing?" I aske her.
"I hope I dont smell so bad anymore, to stay close to you" In that moment I couldn't smell anything anyway. I was too cold to comprehend what was happening, and what made the situation worse, was that Ellie was so close to me.

I could feel my cheeks heat up. "I dont care about the smell anymore, Im freezing to death right now!"
Ellie took my hand in hers and pulled me closer.
"We can warm eachother up"
It was the first time ever being so close to her and my heart started beating fast.  Since we were almost the same height, our faces were on the same level.

I looked at Ellie, a little shocked and before I could react she kissed me on the lips. I was taken aback but the kiss stopped as quickly as it started.
"Im sorry, i dont know why i did that" Ellie said pulling away from me.

"No, dont be" i answered faster than i thought. Ellie looked back at me. Looking a little embarrassed but also relieved that I didn't reject her.
"So you didnt mind the kiss?" She asked, her smile forming again on her lips.
After I shaked my head Ellie happily kissed me again. And even tho the relationship was formed under circumstances like these, it was stronger then most.

A/N: Idk 😐

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