"I like your highlighter".

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What's the point of saying that?
Why would you give such a stupid compliment?
Well, I only remember receiving two compliments,
The two girls that I liked, and one the highlighter.

I like your shoes,
I like your highlighter,
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm higher...

Since then I have always tried to buy that highlighter,
I don't know why I cared, even with a beer,
I would say it's strange.

I guess it was because she was the person I loved the most,
It's still her,
And to think that the most contact I had with her was shaking her hand, then, lost,
Cold as snow, orange highlighter.

I better have a B2 of German after this summer,
It's better to earn a lot, a lot of money,
I better become Swiss and move to Switzerland,
Or I will miss you forever, with an orange highlighter in my hand, without you staying, and without ever calling you honey.

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now