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There was someone his name was Reggie he was an easy target, someone that just let the things happen, someone that didn't try to fight back, someone that always tried to be like other people instead of being themselves, they just stood there and let the action happen thinking that no one will help him and he was just stranded on an island by himself inside a dark circle.

As Reggie grew up, he put a thought in his head. A thought that affected the way he acted towards others, he started to look at the world differently. He felt like he didn't have a place to go, a place where he could just let how he feels out. The only thing that was helping him was crying late at night and staying up enough for him to develop insomnia to the point where people could see he wasn't getting enough sleep from the dark circles under his eyes. Reggie stopped enjoying the things he usually likes to do. He gave up on playing football. He gave up on socializing and talking to people. Yea, he had friends he could spend time together with but the more and longer he was by himself the more he started to like being by himself the more he liked to be alone in the dark. Reggie thought no one was the same as him, no one had gone through what he went through, that is what stayed in his mind until he saw a character that did understand. This character stood up for himself. This character decided that he would just accept who he is and not try to change for society, he was himself- flaws and all. The character's name was The Joker.

The Joker was a villain. He was someone that suffered from an illness but still had the courage to change himself. He decided that instead of being someone that society liked, he would become someone hated by others. He decided to face reality and changed for himself - not for other people, not for his parents, not his friends but himself, and that is what Reggie needed. He needed the courage to change and stand up for himself. Once Reggie realized that and watched the Joker more, he decided at the age of 13 that he was not going to be like the Joker. Reggie's will become the Joker himself. He is going to take some parts of the Joker and put them inside himself, but there was a cost. He had to remove some parts of himself. So, he did. It changed him for the better.

While he studied the Joker, he knew what parts he had to take, he knew what he had to do to make himself happy. He took the parts he needed - starting with the Joker's way of laughing. This part helped him smile through his feelings or to hide his sadness from others. He then took another part from the Joker; His way of facing reality. Reggie decided that instead of trying to be liked by others he would just be himself and not care how other people looked at him- he became the villain himself. He decided to just look at situations realistically and to forget worrying about the future. He decided to live the days one by one. Reggie did not change for other people. He changed for himself. He changed to make himself better. He changed to become a better person for himself. He achieved things he would not have at first and he grew and grew as time went on. And that boy...Reggie... it is me.

The change in meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora