Chapter 20- Choice To Make

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Who's to say there'll be another one tomorrow or even the day after that? You gotta live for now.

Harvey's hand was cool to the touch. Placing his hand in his Harry felt an electrifying sensation jolt through his body. It felt right. He let go of all his inhibitions and simply placed his trust in him. Before he knew it, there they both were standing in mid-air, hovering over the canyon. Hand in hand, his life completely surrendered to the enigmatic stranger he had met less than a week ago.  It was so easy.

"Just look at me," Harvey's voice was tender.  Tranquilizing. Sweet, and soothing honey brown pools, glinting in the sunlight.

"Okay," Harry didn't dare take his eyes off Harvey's handsomely sculpted face, taking it all in at once, he'd found himself even more entranced by the young man's extraordinary features, his thick and perfectly shaped brows, his strong cheekbones, his full rosy lips.  Harvey just stared back at him, wearing his signature grin.

He began to feel a smile forming and his cheeks turning warm, causing him to turn away for a moment and in that instant, he suddenly remembered he was hanging suspended some thousand feet in the air. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as he felt his heart drop. He jerked involuntarily, causing his book bag to slip off his shoulder and go hurling downwards.

"My bag!" He shouted desperately.

Harvey chuckled.

"No worries, I've got it," and just like that he went diving down after it like a hawk swooping in at break-neck speed after its prey. It had taken Harry a moment to realize he was now floating on his own.

"Oh god, oh man! How do I...?!" He felt panic begin to set in, as he began shifting weight as if he were walking atop an invisible tightrope.

"Just relax, you're doing fine Hooper," Harvey came floating back up near Harry, book bag slung over his shoulder.

"Come on," Harvey grabbed hold of one of Harry's hands and they were off, soaring through the air, Harvey leading them across the desert valley which surrounded the quaint town below.

" How is this even happening right now? I mean this definitely shouldn't be possible."

"Does it really matter? You're flying! You're doing what everyone wishes they could do! Just enjoy it! Live it!" Harvey shouted excitedly back at Harry as they came tunneling through a narrowing revene and up towards the mountain's summit.

Harry closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The air of here smelled so much crisper, the sun's rays so warm on his delicate skin, he opened his eyes and bared witness to the kaleidoscope of blues, pinks and oranges that painted the evening horizon, that which he had only ever witnessed so far and away before, pining for it from his bedroom window, now completely enveloped him.

The day had seemed to had come and gone so eagerly. They had spent so much of it soaring through the skies, Harvey showing off some of his tricks while Harry attempted to do them himself. They'd spent so much of the day laughing and cheering one another on. By the time the sun had started to set they had realized the day was almost over. 

They had found themselves sitting aside each other in their usual spot watching the sun disappear behind the horizon.

"This could be us everyday Hooper.  No more worries. No one tearing you down. No more feeling afraid." He turned and faced Harry. "No more feeling alone ever again." 

Their eyes met.

Ever again.

Those words stung his heart. This past week had almost made him forget what that had felt like. His eyes began to well up with tears.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 hours ago ⏰

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