Chapter 2: First Glance

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I stop in the middle of the red bricked path, staring at the shining, blue towers of UA before me. The wind blowing my hair back. I cant help but think. this was it, what I've trained for. And now, I was finally here.
I walk through the  crowded halls, reading signs, observing faces.

As I get to the top of a flight of stairs, I see a few people in the doorway.. a massive doorway at that. As I near it I notice I remember them from the entrance exam.

I slip past them, well attempt to, before I feel a hand touch my wrist. I look back to see a brown haired girls' bubbly smile.
"Hey there! I think I recognize you from the Entrance Exam, congrats on getting in! Oh right, I'm Uraraka!"
I look behind her, the two other kids had also glanced over, they didn't look judgemental but... I never was good with people. Before I could embarass myself by attempting to say something, the three of us feel a strong presence behind us. It was an intimidating presence, though not  sinister.
It was a man, a man in a yellow sleepingbag.
"Get in your seats"
He demands. We obey. There was no questioning that strict voice. "Now, I'm Mr Aizawa..."I find my seat as he starts a lecture about what UA is about and all that.

I zone out. Thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. I turn my head to look over my shoulders, seeing a variety of kids; one with tape elbows, another with pink skin, a frog, and a kid in the very back.. his one turquoise blue eye looks so.. familiar to me but I quickly move on to a different kid, one with many arms. I shrink down in my seat a bit, so many people.. and I would probably have to talk to them all at some point.
I hear an audible "Tch" to my right.

I look over, seeing a boy leaning back in his chair, his feet up on his desk. My eyes widening a bit, I knew him, that same spiky blonde hair, those fiery, red eyes.
Bakugo Katsuki.
I blink at him, which of course he notices.
"What are you looking at extra!"
He harshly yells to my face, I look down at my lap, attempting to mumble out a "nothing" but utterly failing. Earning another "Tch" from him.


(I apologize again for the shortness, I hope you don't mind heh. Please comment with ideas and whatnot!)

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