The One

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Uuuuhhhhhh our favorite songs is playing, love this cafe.

Here's your coffee just like how you like it, hot black coffee with less sugar.

Thank you my servant.

How's your girlfriend doing, is she okay with us going out together on new year?.

Oh yeah i forgot to tell you, we broke up like two days ago.

It hasn't been two months and you broke up, why is that, what's the reason for that?.

We're not meant to be together.  

We're not meant to be together, know you'd said that. How many times has it been 4-5?, honestly it's an achievement to get into a relationship that many times in a year.

And not once im the one who ended it, that's gotta hold a record for something right?.

You know you cause the shit to happen.

Hey!, Watch the language there's a lot of children here.

The problem to happened, you always drop the love bomb at the start and that disgusting playboy smile, then when you get together you always hang out with your "boyfriends" and left them on read.

No i didn't, i hung with you many times too, and beside you know my smile is amazing.

Wow what a redflag you are.

Okay that's rude, I'm sorry okay, it's just at first i always thought they were the one, then suddenly i just get bored, and it's not like they hate me or anything, we still follow each other on our sec. That's enough about me, how about you, the girl who doesn't do relationships.

I have been in a relationship.

Kindergarten doesn't count.

You've known me for like what 15 years since we were in 1st grade, you know why i don't do dates.

That bullsh-Language

That nonsense about founding the "one"

I have found the one, he just hasn't found me yet

That's weird, you're weird. Tell me about him.

Well for starter he has these eyes that you can stare at for hours and not get bored, he always smile although i know he's hurt inside and his smile is kinda cute, he has a bad sense of humor i don't know why i always laugh at them though, he has a very soft heart he always cries when we watch movies, our taste on music is the same, and so on we'll be staying up all night if i told you all of it.

Wow......... he sounds great, i didn't know you're close with some dude other than me. Why, don't you make a move on him. And don't give those bullsh-i
mean nonsense about making it worse.

You know i'm a girl right, and i have been giving him signals though he just hasn't caught on to it yet.

Stupid guy.

HAHAHAHA don't say that you'll regret it, and he's really kind

Im jealous.

What did you say?.

N-no, i-i mean i-im jealous of you, yeah yeah that's right im jealous of you.

Why are you so awkward and nervous, what's there to be jealous of?

You know you have found the "one", what's the "one" means for you anyway?.

Someone i can spend my time with for always, doesn't matter if we are friends or colleagues, I do wish someday we can be in a relationship.

Wait what, relationship, isn't that too fast, you should think about it.

Yeah i mean he's the one. And next year i'll confess to him.

What about me, what about our friendships and the things that we do, and you know him for like what probably two weeks, we've known each other for 14 years, 12 months, 364 days, 23 hours, 48 minutes and 27 seconds, and you suddenly want to be in a relationship.

Why are you so mad about, you've dated for like 30 times, i was never mad at you about your search for the "one", do you know how i felt.

Do you know what i meant when i say i was searching for the "one", it means that im searching for someone so i can forget about you.

what, about me?

Yes...... it's you, i love you, i love you since we were 14 years old, remember that time when my parents split up, you were there, you were always there for me. You are the most beautiful girl i have ever met in my life, you laugh at my bad humor, you remember all my favorite things and brings me handmade foods back in school.


Wait, Why are you crying?

Why did you never tell me about this?

I don't want us to be apart, i just want you, you to be there, always. That's why i date a lot of girls so i can just forget about you.

*Fireworks exploding

I love you too



*Fireworks stop

See i told you i confess this year, i never get the right time to say this you were always with a girl and since you broke up.

What? Im confused

You are unbelievably stupid

Since we love each other, are we like dating now or .........

Of course not, you know you have to ask me properly right?

Okay, bet, tomorrow

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