Best friends

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"jungkook I am asking you again" jimin said frustratingly..

"And i am replying you for the hundredth time hyung. I am not hiding anything. I really want to end our marriage." Jungkook said sitting on the couch like a lifeless body.

"Ok then why are you sad? " Jimin said crossing his arms around his chest.

Jungkook let out a tired sigh.

His eyes were searching for her in their home.

"I don't want you at my home"

He recalled his own words and chuckled sadly.

His home?

It wasn't never his home!

This apartment was home when she was in it.

He gulped his tears.

Will he be able to live without her.

He can't even take proper breaths without her.

Annie and Taehyung reached Jungkook's apartment.

Annie hurriedly tapped the passcode.

"Error" screen was showing that it was wrong password.

She felt a pang in her heart, he changed the passcode of their home.

"No no I must be dialled wrong." She whispered wiping her tears.

It was again error.

Tears dropped from her eyes.

"He changed it." Taehyung said slowly from behind.

"Y..yeah I think he is still mad at me." She said licking her lips.

She rang the bell.

Jungkook immediately looked at the door.

She again rang it impatiently.

Jungkook gulped his tears. It was her, he can feel it was her.

"Why is he not opening?" She mumbled.

"Jungkook open the door, look it's me. I came home jungkook open the door." Annie said impatiently. Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

Jungkook couldn't hear her inside but he knew she was there.

"It's her right?" Jimin said but Jungkook didn't answer.

Taehyung called jimin.

"Hello "

"Jimin are you both inside? " Taehyung asked slowly while annie was busy in knocking at the door.

"Yes we are. "

"Then why aren't you opening the door?"

"Are you outside?" Jimin asked.

"Not only me. Annie is also here." Taehyung replied.

Jimin clenched his jaw.

"That's why he is not opening because this brat can feel that she is here." He answered angrily.

"Put it on video call " taehyung said and jimin did.

"You don't love her anymore right. So her condition will not effect you?" Jimin said and extend his hand showing his phone.

"Jimin hyu-" jungkook felt a sharp pain in his heart when he saw her beating on door like a mad person.

"Jungkook please open the door. Look I am here. I am not going to leave you anymore." Annie was crying and sobbing.

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