1 | Banishment

18 1 0

I didn't struggle as I was dragged in chains through Olympus to the throne room, some minor gods and goddesses who were outside looked at me in pity or disdain, either way I didn't flinch under their gaze only looking forward with head held high, after all I knew this day would come soon, especially with how Zeus is an egotistical coward.

I was pushed onto my knees harshly once we were in the throne room, looking around I only saw one demigod, I was kind of surprised to see it was Annabeth, my ex best friend, I guess her fatal flaw got to her.

"Perseus Jackson," Zues boomed "we are here today due to the evidence provided by Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena, that he is an enemy and has been since he has first stepped foot into camp half-blood."

I glanced around watching each god to see what they think about me now, I wasn't surprised with how my so-called father reacted with schooling his expression, I definitely know he's mad, not at Annabeth but at me, if you were wondering.

"You do not get to plead guilty nor innocent, we will be choosing what punishment you will get," Zues continued, "I would choose death but that is an easy punishment, does anyone have any suggestions?"

"I suggest that we make him immortal and torture him, for every death that happened since he stepped into camp." Athena suggested, my expression not changing.

"That is perfect, if there no more we will do just that."

"If I may Lord Zeus," Annabeth interjected, Zues nodded so she carried on, "what if we make him immortal and send him to the pit."

Zues sat back in thought, looking at me whilst I flinched at the thought of going to that place, he smirked as if he cracked an egg open.

"We shall vote."

"Those who vote for him being tortured?" Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Athena and Poseidon voted, not surprising me at all after all they always blame me for their problems.

"Those who for him to be sent to the pit?" Hades, Hestia, Apollo, Artemis, Ares and Aphrodite raised theirs, not saying anything all this time, now that I think about it, only Zeus, Athena and Annabeth spoke, either the others are in shock which is highly unlikely or they spoke about this before dragging me here like a rag doll.

"Three of you have not voted," Athena noted, as Zeus could not tell.

"It does not matter either way he will be sent down there after being made immortal," Zeus interrupted, "Artemis make him immortal; Ares take his chains off, Hades and Hestia open up the pit," he demanded everyone.

I glared at the ground as Artemis made me immortal, Ares unchained me and Hades with Hestia chanted to open up the pit, he sure knew where to hit the most with punishments, with those who sided with me even if he didn't know it.

As soon the chains fell to the floor, the wind picked up and it became colder as the floor cracked open making everything darker, everyone but me took a step back, not afraid of the darkness as it was the only thing except my mother, that kept me alive during my childhood.

"I, Perseus Jackson, disown Poseidon as my father," I rasped out, as if not speaking for a long time, feeling my blood simmer for a hot second before it settled down, said God didn't react only looking down at me in disgust, and no thought behind what could happen.

I walked closer to the hole, doing a backflip into the pit, not before flipping the bird at the most disliked three by me.

They will regret sending me away and making me an enemy to them, if I do come back, I will break them.


Everyone watched as the former hero and son of Poseidon freely jump into the pit where monsters were born, not knowing what disaster's will happen without him, and what no one noticed that the daughter of Athena was smirking smugly as she stared at where her ex best friend stood.

When the hole closed, two more thrones appeared with a rumble, two on the side of Zeus, representing Hades and Hestia, all the titans who have done nothing like Leto and Calypso felt the wards around their places simmer and fall meaning they could leave and come back whenever they wanted, down at both camps a portal appeared at the blue house and at the house of Lupa, soon after that every unclaimed child was claimed causing minor panic making everyone pack to go to their respective cabin.

"This is all your fault," Apollo exclaimed, "whatever happens in the coming years, Percy will not help you, and I along with those who voted for him to be sent to the pit will no longer be on speaking terms with you unless it is absolutely necessary, we will be coming to the meetings and that is all, whatever happened just now, I want to get to know my children as do many others."

With that said Apollo flashed out down to camp, as did other many other God's and Goddesses even those who were not in the throne room.

Far Away:

On the border of Alaska, a third camp grew, before children of various ages began to appear, in the same living room with blankets around them and warm food, enough for everyone, on the table.

None knowing what was going on, tense looking around waiting for anything to happen, but soon relaxed but not enough to eat yet, only the bravest taking a step forward.

Unkown Place:

The Fates along with Chaos and Ananke stared down at what was happening down on earth.

"If the gods continue on like this, they will fade due to their own actions and stupidity," one of the Fates said.

"True, but we shall not interfere, the smarter ones will understand and guide those in the background and the ones being guided will think that they thought of the solution." Chaos and Ananke replied.  


Nothing to add from me, still haven't made the smoothie though.

Though the portal could've been a bit different, but i'm not going to go back and change it, it's been a while since I posted it.

Not here but on Ao3.

The rest of the story is on Ao3.
Link in bio.

Prince Of The PitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon