Part 11. Finding Faye

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Monday, May 12

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Monday, May 12

I searched everywhere for Faye. I remembered she wasn't in my class. To my bad, yet accurate good luck, Hamish didn't attend school today either. Could something have happened to them? It couldn't be a coincidence not to see both of them anywhere all day. Anyway, even if the morning was too calm to be true, I had to find them. Why did this happen just when I had made up my mind? It feels more like a test to my determination. I'd wait as long as necessary to talk to Faye about this shadow matter.

Tuesday, May 13

Not my favorite day, but I couldn't find a trace of the siblings today either. As this started to bother me, I decided to jot it down. Write to let off steam, then tear the piece of paper into thousands of shreds and throw them in different trash cans. It's not any ritual or anything, I just do it to make sure no one can find them all and piece them together to decode what I wrote. Although, thinking about it, maybe I'm exaggerating. I mean, what psychopath would bother to find all my shreds and then piece them together like a huge puzzle to extract a few useless phrases? I doubt it, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

Wednesday, May 14

Still waiting... still nothing. Don't tell me... What if something really happened to them? That wouldn't make sense... Maybe they're on a family trip or something.

Thursday, May 15

I give up, I doubt they'll show up this week. All this makes me think about how the window next to me shows that time passes by quickly. A few weeks ago, it was spring, but now the weather is cloudy almost every day. Thinking about it, I haven't had any strange visitors or weird dreams these days. I can't help but feel even more anxious about that. I can't believe I'm going to write something like this, but... I hope Hamish returns to class soon. Of course, it would be even better if only she came back, she's less annoying and seems willing to help... at least for now.

Friday, May 16 - no note recorded.

Saturday, May 17 - no note recorded.

Sunday, May 18 - no note recorded.


I had stopped looking for Faye, when in May's fourth week precisely my daily day was not as calm as it had been these past days—that's right, Hamish was back. And he was as obnoxious as always. I wished the whole day he just hadn't come back! Okay, okay, I might be over-elaborating. I did feel a bit glad he was back.

I really wanted to ask him what had happened these days he didn't come, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I know he was an open guy, but it's not like we were—friends. I felt like I shouldn't, like it was not my right to ask. So I kept silently wondering throughout the day.

I tried asking him about Faye... but same story. If I didn't feel close to him, could I? What if he thought something else? Why does this have to be so difficult?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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