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Rhia's pov
it's another week in the QZ. it's been tense lately. joel and i are falling apart honestly. we really are. and it hurts. i love him. i walk into our small apartment. that's become even smaller when he decided to just move tess in a few weeks ago. i honestly don't line her. i pause seeing clothes on the floor in a trail. i know what im going to find. but i follow it anyway hoping that i dont. that i'm wrong. then i hear it. our old fucked up mattress creaking and grunts and moans. moans for the man that was mine.

"joel! oh fuck" i open the door and see her on top of him. in our bed. i laugh. they freeze and joel moves her off of him covering himself. "baby please it's not" i cut him off "fuck you" packing my shit. he begs "baby please" he grabs my arm and i slap him "don't fucking touch me! don't. we're fucking done joel." he says "she doesn't mean anything to me sweetheart i'm sorry okay? i...i didn't mean it. it can just be us again" i scoff "she meant enough for you to move her into our home. OURS. without my say. my input you just waited until i was done with my shift to find her and her fucking stuff here. you added her into our plans without my say. and didn't mean anything to you? joel you brought her here and fucked her in our bed and expect me to ever trust you again?" packing he says "can you stop that! i wanna talk"

i scoff snatching my bag back "there's nothing to talk about. you ended us long before this joel. i'm just seeing you and it clearer than ever and you can't take it" walking out and he says "i love you" i shake my head "no you don't." "yes i do. i love you" i shake my head "if you loved me you'd have noticed how you've been hurting me before this. you wouldn't have even been able to get to this joel. we're done." he falls to his knees "Rhia please" "goodbye joel" i say and he asks "where will you go?" "that's not your business anymore" i tell him. he says "i need to know where to find you so i can fix this. fix us" "i don't want to fix it. and there is no us. you're standing here asking for forgiveness while another woman is naked in our bed and you're hardly clothed!" i say packing more. and he says "you can't get an apartment here this fast" "i'll figure it out i always do. i'd do anything to get the hell away from you right now joel" i say heart hurting. he says "Rhia please" tears in his eyes.

i ask "how long have you been fucking her?" he says "this is the first" he's a fucking liar. he's always been a shit liar with me. i chuckle "can't even give me the fucking truth. how long was it joel? a week? a month? two?" he sighs "since a week after we lost..." i can't breathe. i clutch at my heart, and he says "baby breathe" i back away "don't touch me! i was here! mourning our unborn child and you....youre dead to me" leaving him.

he chases after me "i was hurtin! drunk! and it..it didn't mean anythin!" "we should've been mourning together but yet you decided to fall into another woman's cunt! it meant enough for you to move your whore into our place and to keep fucking her joel! fuck you" i snap and i leave. and he doesn't follow. but i can't stay there in the QZ To see the new happy couple. joel and his need for a perfect plan and us pushing it back because of my pregnancy is the only reason i stayed. not anymore. i go and use my card to buy food and wait until the night falls to sneak out. the way i have with joel a million times. but this time im alone. all alone.

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