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           "So, what do you say, Oj?" MePhone asked with a grin spread across his face, "Will you take the deal?"
          Oj hesitated; he resented this man with all of his being, but if it meant he had the opportunity to get more answers and save innocent souls who didn't know what they were getting into, he had to.
          There was no way he'd let the last time repeat itself.
          "What's in it for you? There must be some reason you want me to join season two so badly, and I don't trust it."
          "Oh, it's just for marketing. What better way to advertise a season than to say that last season's winner is returning? I doubt you'll get far; you got lucky, champion. You know, with Paper's help and all."
          Oj stood up from the office seat across from MePhone and said, "That's it; I'm done with this. Just put me as one of the cast, and do not mention him, or any of them, for that matter."
          MePhone looked unamused, and there was a hint of annoyance in his voice. "You're still grieving over that bunch of losers? I thought victory was sweet, but you make it seem like the worst thing in the world. You could buy whatever you want with your prize money, and you're at the perfect age to be investing, too, yet you decide to risk your life for another season. I didn't expect you to agree, so why did you?"
          Oj faced the door to leave MePhone's office, but his glare was right on the mechanical host's blue screen, which doubled as his head. "Unlike some people, I have a heart."
          "Feisty, aren't you?" MePhone sat back in his seat and smiled as he twisted a paperclip in his fingers. "I remember when you first joined the competition—so joyous but so very timid. You should have seen your face the first time Paper died compared to the expression you had when you watched Taco get killed. You turned cold; the deaths stopped affecting you; at least I thought so; maybe you're like this because you're still coming to terms with it all."
          Oj didn't reply; he wouldn't give MePhone the satisfaction of one, because Oj knew very well that the moment he spoke, he'd be shouting curses at him, and anger only powered MePhone.
          "What, cat got your tongue?" MePhone taunted as Oj walked toward the door, "I can't believe it; you're going back to your shy, emotional self.
          Oj grabbed the door handle and said, "I'll see you next season, MePhone, and don't think I'm going to amuse you this time. This time, it will be my turn to ruin something for you, and I will have a great time doing it."
          Oj left before MePhone replied.
          "You need to get that guy in check," the voice in MePhone's head told him. "He's a threat to the entire show. I don't understand why you let him back on; what if he-"
          MePhone cut the voice off. "Don't worry about it, sir. Besides, you have to be at least a little interested; you didn't stop me from letting him on. Not to mention, I know all of his moves. If he tries to pull a fast one, I can keep him in check and eliminate him."
          "And he knows all of yours." The voice said it with a touch of annoyance in his voice, but MePhone could tell he wasn't mad, just trying to show his authority.
          "Not quite," MePhone said. "I still have a few tricks up my system that he's yet to know."
          "Alright, but you better not fail me. If your stupid little show goes under because of some rebel you decided to let live-."
          "Yeah, yeah," MePhone interjected, "you'll shut me down or whatever; I don't care because I know I won't fail. I never have before."
          "Yes, you have."
          MePhone waved it off. "Back when I had a malfunction, now that I'm fully operational, I won't fail you. Just leave it to me this time; things almost went wrong because of you last season."
          The voice sighed, "Fine. I have things to do; I'm logging off for now. Make sure to report your progress to me later."
          "As if I would forget something that simple. Don't worry, your pretty little head; I'll be sure to get the reports in. Buh-bye!"
          Before the voice could reply and say something annoying, MePhone disconnected the call and looked at the photo facing him on his desk of all the season one contestants and said, "You know, I think this season will be fun."
          MePhone pulled out a multi-page document from his drawer that was held together by a single staple in the upper-left-hand corner, and the top of the document was labeled ELIMINATION ORDER: Season Two in large, bold letters. He began looking over what he had planned.
           He knew these contestants. He also knew what points they needed to be erased; and precisely what challenges would cause them to lose. Even if the votes didn't go according to plan, he could just rig them and act like someone switched
            Betrayal was common in these sorts of games.
          Then again, MePhone was confident in his ability to keep things under control; after all, he had his ways.
          MePhone set the document down and grabbed a microchip he had been manufacturing.
          Oh yes, he had his ways, and they worked wonders.
          MePhone opened the back panel on his head and inserted the chip. He closed the panel, and with a smile, he began preparing for the day that he would make everyone's worlds burn.
           Oj was wrong; MePhone wasn't a murderer; he was a complete and utter genius. He was just jealous that he hadn't thought about this first.
          "Good luck; you'll all need it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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