How you met

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-he saw you at the arcade
-thought you were cute
-challenged you to a game
-you beat his ass
-came back the next day and demanded rematch
-you beat his ass again
-"She's hot, so maybe I'm not that mad.."

-you saw him at the park
-he was sketching something in his note book
-you introduce yourself
-you look over his shoulder and try to figure out what he's drawing
-he gives you the side eye
-"God, and I thought girls weren't supposed to be so nosy."
-you called him a noodle head and left
-he was sketching you...

-Bumped into you at school
-apologized fifteen hundred times
-a stuttering blushing mess
-partly because you're pretty and partly because he's a nervous fuck
-offers to walk you to class
-"omfg she's actually talking to me.."

-You see two boys at the drugstore
-the smaller one keeps looking over at you
-you think he's cute
-the boy with glasses suddenly walks over and says, "that kid over there, Eddie, thinks your hot and definitely wants to bone you."
-you and Eddie are blushing like crazy

-your family owns a store that Mike usually delivers meat to
-you think he's cute
-you strike up a conversation and end up getting each other's numbers
-he's already planning your wedding tbh
-can't stop thinking about you

-met him at the library
-he saw the book you were reading a

IT preferences because I'm bored ☹️☹️☹️Where stories live. Discover now