Part 1

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~Hi!This is @Nininikooru and @The_Anime_Donut! We were the ones who wrote this fanfic! Please go view it on my partners page too!

Chapter 1

Kotoha's POV

"Oh my..." He whispered as he towered over me, smiling his terrible smile. I clutched Inosuke closer to me, trembling all over.

"N-no... please..." I begged for mercy, tears streaming down my face. What will happen to my Inosuke? "Don't..." I whimpered.

Still smiling, he slowly extended his long slender hand toward me. "Don't worry, you won't ever be in pain again..." I could smell his icy cold breath and the last thing I saw were his piercing eyes.

Doma's POV

Stupid girl. I thought. At least she's happy now. I lick my lips and wipe off the blood.

Now... I look down at the thing she left behind. What do I do with him? He looks up at me and I cringe at the sight of drool from his mouth. It looks exactly like her. I think.

"Papa!" The thing exclaims and reaches out to me. I sigh and smile unwillingly. "Hello." I look around, trying to find a place to dispose of him when suddenly, a thought pops into my head. My eyes go wide "Alright!" I say cheerfully. I cradled the thing in my arms and took it home with me.

~A few months later~


"It's Doma."


"It's Doma."


"IT'S DOMA!" I shout at it. The thing whimpers and cries. Maybe I should just kill it. I think. But I'm doing this for Akaza-dono. He only eats strong people so I have to raise him to be strong. I sigh and go back to arguing with the thing.


"Doh-Ma?" it says, his innocent eyes staring at me.

"YES!" I cried exasperatedly. I grin triumphantly at him. Him? I think. Suddenly, I felt something flutter within me. I desperately clutched my chest. Stop it.

Chapter 2

~Fast forward Inosuke is 7 years old~

Doma's POV

"Take this" I hand Inosuke one of my fans. "Copy what I do," I take a deep breath- Blood technique... Scattered Lotuses. I direct it away from him, so he doesn't get the effect. I don't want him to get hurt. I don't want him to get hurt? I shake the thought away.

Inosuke takes the fan and copies my movements. "Blood technique... Scattered Lotuses!" He jumps and lands on his butt. "Owww..." He mutters. I smile encouragingly. This is going well. Akaza-dono will be pleased. Well, he keeps mispronouncing names but we'll keep practicing until he somewhat gets it.

"Blood technique... SCATTERED LOTUSES!" Inosuke screams. He swishes the fan and doesn't trip. "Pa-! I mean, Donut-sama! I did it!" He cheers happily. His black and blue tipped hair swishing under the light. I smile gently.

"I'm so proud of you!" I cry and hug him tightly. Wait, I am?

"D-Dohmah-sama... I can't. Breathe." Inosuke gasps. I let him go quickly.

"Dough-mahh sama?" Inosuke mutters shyly.

"It's Doma"

"Can I ask you something?"


"Can I have onigiri for dinner? And... Can you share with me? You always say you aren't hungry. I've never seen you eat before." He looks at me expectantly.

I never told him I was a demon. "I've already eaten..." I say, glancing at my feet. And, now that I think about me, my servants should be bringing in my next 'customer'. I lick my lips excitedly. "But don't worry. I'll get you onigiri!"

Inosuke chirps "And tempura!" Oh well. I sigh. "Of course, we can't forget about tempura."

The next few years were spent perfecting Inosuke's fighting style.

~One day while Inosuke was sleeping~

Inosuke's POV

Huh? What happened? I thought angrily. Something had interrupted my sleep! I sat up in my bed. It's probably 1 in the morning. Doma-sama must be sleeping. I was going back to sleep when I froze. The smell of blood. I slowly jumped out of bed and gingerly followed the scent. I have to tell Doma-sama about this. That was when I reached Doma-sama's room. The smell of blood is coming from there.

I saw a shadow under the door. That must mean Doma-sama is awake. Is he hurt? He must be bleeding! I thought angrily. I'll kill whoever hurts him! I know some simple moves now! I run and reach for the doorknob. I breathe heavily. I slam open the door.

"D-domahhh-sama!" Why do I keep saying it wrong? "Are you hurt?!" I cry. I look around and my eyes widen in shock. I felt vomit up my throat and a cry about to emerge from my mouth.

There was Doma-sama. Sitting cross legged on his usual beanbag, blood drenching his mouth and hands. He was holding a human hand and slowly, he put his mouth to it. He opened his mouth and for the first time, I noticed a pair of fangs. He slowly looked up and saw me. What should I do? Should I run?

"Inosuke! Hey~ Don't worry I'll clean up quickly. Come in, come in!" He greets cheerfully. I could see his bloodstained fangs. This isn't Doma-sama. Doma-sama is kind... not-not a...

A psychopath.

Author's Note

Nininikooru: Hehe sorry this chapter was a bit short!

The_Anime_Donut: Our chapters are kinda short but we always have fun writing them so I hope u guys enjoy them too.

Nininikooru: We're almost at the part where Inosuke becomes a demon! Stay tuned! *psst, say something gurl!*

The_Anime_Donut: Bai ig

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