Dancing Sexy

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Yeji's eyes widened as Ryujin pulled both her and Lia to the dance floor. "Yah! Shin Ryujin-ssi! What are you doing?!" Lia yelled loudly. Ryujin grinned. "Let's dance, girls!" She swung her hips as she glanced at the pretty man clad in a black YSL suit, chatting with a beautiful girl on the dance floor. Lia followed her gaze as a sly grin slowly made it's way onto her lips. "Ooo, does our maknae have a little crush?" She asked, poking the youngest in the arm. Ryujin pouted, resisting her touch. "Anni!" She protested, but her cheeks said otherwise.

Lia laughed at the girl's misfortune as she teased her to no end. Finally, Yeji, who had been dancing, noticed the situation and raised a brow as she approached them. "What's going on?" She demanded. The youngest one pointed a finger at the other girl. "Lia unnie was teasing me!" She complained. Yeji frowned. "Lia-" "Lia~ Hajima," Yuqi said, coming up to them. Then, she leaned in closer to Lia. "Yah, who was she looking at?" Shs asked. Ryujin smacked Yuqi's shoulder. "Jinjja, unnie?" She huffed in disbelief. Lia giggled and pointed to the man Ryujin had been staring at.

Although Yeji felt as if she were interfering with Ryujin's private feelings, she couldn't help but follow Lia's finger. She gasped as she saw who was at the end of it. Ryujin turned to her, her face red. "...Yeji-ssi. Gweanchana?" The older one just nodded slowly. "Ne. Gweanchana." She answered. Then, she turned to the maknae. "Maknae-ah, do you know who that man is?" She asked timidly. Ryujin thought for a moment before shaking her head. "Anni. I just-" "Found him cute?" Yuqi and Lia giggled. Trying to keep her "bad girl" image, Ryujin nodded and shrugged nonchalantly.

"I guess." Lia and Yuqi grinned and high-fived each other. Yeji frowned. "Oh okay." Ryujin blinked. "Wae? Do you like him or something?" Her unnie looked horrified and disturbed by the accusation. "Anni! Why would I? He's my fucking brother," she gagged. Lia, Yuqi, and Ryujin all looked at her with wide eyes. "BROTHER?!" they yelled in disbelief. Everyone in the club turned to look at them. Miyeon stood up from where she was and quietly walked over to them. She leaned down to Lia's ear. "I don't know what the hell you did, but you better fix this quick," she threatened.

Yeji smiled nervously at the crowd. "Ah, haha, it's nothing, uh, we were just..." She glanced outside a window to see a TV store with the K-drama playing on one of them. Her eyes lit up. "It's nothing, I just, uh, spoiled Crash Landing On You for them," she responded. Lia made a face and Yuqi opened her mouth to speak, but Ryujin slapped her hand on top of her mouth. "Right. Now, look away and do what you were doing. Unless you want us to spoil the whole thing," she spoke through grit teeth. Everybody looked away and went back to their business, except for one man, who rested his gaze onto Ryujin, who was laughing with her friends.

The pretty girl next to him tapped his shoulder, trying to get his attention, but was ignored. Soon, she too looked at where his gaze was, and frowned. "Jinjja?" She muttered under her breath. She glanced at Hyunjin before stomping over to Ryujin, who was telling Miyeon to go back to her date. She stopped right in front of the short-haired girl. Ryujin smiled politely at her, and Hyunjin tilted his head with interest. "Annyeonghaseo?" She asked doubtfully. The girl made a face and slapped her loudly. The club turned to look at them again, and Hyunjin's mouth dropped open.

Ryujin's eyebrow twitched. "What the fuck was that?" She asked, her voice suddenly raspy. The other girl spoke up, her head high. "How dare you distract my date?" She hollered, her voice high. All of a sudden, she felt a sting on her cheek. She gasped in shock. Ryujin had slapped her. The girl lunged for Ryujin's neck, to which the short-haired girl responded with a half to the wrist and a sharp knee to the stomach. "It's not my fault your date had good taste in women," she huffed, blowing a bang out of her eye. The security guards came in, having seen the whole scene and dragged the injured girl out.

A guard approached Ryujin. "Don't worry, ma'am. We don't need you here, we saw the whole thing. Nice kick, by the way," he winked. Ryujin smirked. "I'm Mingyu," he added charmingly. The girl played with his collar. "Shin Ryujin," she said in a sugarcoated tone. "It's nice to meet you,"  Across the room, Hyunjin frowned at the girl openly flirting with the security guard. Mingyu pulled out his phone and waved it in front of her. "Care to give me your number?" Ryujin chuckled as she reached out to grab the device. "Sure. Why not?" She sighed contently.

As she put her slender fingers around the phone, she spotted Yeji's brother, whom she'd been looking at earlier, making his way through the crowd with a frown on his face. Ryujin giggled behind closed lips as she slowly tapped in the ten digits while flirting with the guard. Just as she was about to type in the seventh number, someone grabbed her hand. "Excuse me, Miss, would you like to dance?" She looked up to see Yeji's brother, looking at her with a smile, but she could tell he wasn't pleased: his eyes said it all.

Mingyu glared at him. "Sorry, but didn't you see that she was giving me her number right now? What gave you the right to-" he stopped abruptly when he saw Ryujin hold up her hand, signalling for him to shut up. He made a face and turned away childishly. Ryujin smiled at the tall man in front of her. "Maybe. We'll see," she winked at him before tapping in the last few digits of her number and handing Mingyu the phone back. "See ya," she barely had time to pat his shoulder when the man pulled her onto the dance floor and they started to dance.

"Hey. I'm Shin Ryujin, twenty two years old," she said. The man in front of her bit back a smile. "Hwang Hyunjin, twenty three," he huffed. Ryujin furrowed her brow. "What're you so pissed about?" She asked. Hyunjin looked away. "Nothing." She rolled her eyes. "Dude. You don't think I can tell from the way your eyes are piercing daggers at me?" She snickered as his mouth parted open slightly, but no words came out.

He cleared his throat. "I'm saying it was nothing," he said firmly. "Are you sure?" Ryujin taunted. Hyunjin glared at her. Just as he was about to say something, the song changed to 'S.G' by DJ Snake, Ozuna, Megan Thee Stallion, and LISA of BLACKPINK. He smirked as the song started to play, and Ryujin licked her lips, preparing for a dance battle. "Dance battle?" He proposed. She smirked. "Go for it," she said uncaringly. He grinned.

Walking into the middle of the dance floor, he started to move his torso fluidly and made striking and impactful moves with a few thrusts here and there. Overall, it was pretty sexy, and Ryujin was sweating bullets as everyone made space for Hyunjin and cheered for him. As Megan Thee Stallion's part came on, Ryujin braced herself for the vulgar actions she was about to do to put Hyunjin in his place.

Ryujin opened her legs and squatted down slowly. As soon she reached the bottom, she shook her chest a little, making her breasts move rapidly. Hyunjin swallowed. She did some floor choreography, adding a few sexy expressions in there. At the last line, she slid her chest onto the floor, her tongue on show for everyone to see before she turned around and thrust thrice. The crowd cheered for her, while her friends watched her with their eyes wide open.

Hyunjin bit his lip in desire, but kept to himself as he started dancing again, this time making it sexier than the last. Ryujin waited until Lisa's part and whirled around when it started. She waved her arms around and went on the floor, doing the choreography on the floor. Then, she stood up, only to go down again, moving her hips to the beat. She stood up and thrust a little before turning around and staring right at Hyunjin with a sultry look on her face before squatting down slightly.

All the while, Hyunjin was having trouble controlling himself. He clenched and unclenched his fists, his face flushed, and his eyes intense with desire as he yearned to pull her body against his. The song ended, and everyone started dancing again, minding their own business. Hyunjin reached out and pulled Ryujin away and out the club. Ryujin licked her lips nervously. What was he doing?


Sorry about the late update; I should have updated yesterday! Anyways, here's the fourth chapter, and I hope you like it! Please comment: I love reading your comments! Feel free to vote, if you'd like to, and please do tell me what story you'd like me to update next. Thanks~~

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