💥Chapter 4: Skill

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(The 💥 means it is Bakugo's POV)




He sulked in the back of the room, kicking his own heel.
"I've always beaten that damn Deku, but now he decides to use his quirk? Now he decides to humiliate me?"
"Does he think I'm weak?!"

He scowls to himself, glaring down at the ground, seething with anger.

"Woah, look at that!"
"Dude thats sick!"
"I agree"

The praises of his classmates broke his train of thought. Looking up, he saw Todoroki against Ojiro and Toru, He had frozen the entire building in a thin coating of frost..freezing the "villians" In place. All by himself.

Bakugo froze, looking up at the screens with some form of angry awe.
"That guy.. would I be able to beat him?"

He looks down at his feet, his face quickly forming a scowl. He feels a pair of eyes on him, looking up he notices the girl from before. The one who ran into him in the doorway.
His eyebrows dropped in a almost bored fashion.


The girl walked away. He notices her hero costume... a samurai huh.
"Mineta isn't a fighter, but kirishima and sero have almost everything except for recon. Which they don't need in this setting. So the girl- Koyomi, will have to step up. If only I knew her quirk.."

He analyzed the round, not really knowing why.
A few minutes passed and Sero sealed up the doorway and a few feet outward with strips of tape. He sees the figure, then the katana appear in her hand... except, it had a hue of pale blue light, and the steel itself seemed to be otherworldly.
The figure vanishes then reappeared between Kirishima and Sero, the strips of tape shooting apart like a delayed reaction behind her.
His mouth drops, as much as he didn't want it to.

"That speed.."
She's fast, almost faster than me.. if not faster"

"Maybe I should pay more mind to the quiet girl"


(There you go guys first Bakugo POV chapter! Woot woot. This took me so long to write lol. Anyways I hoped you liked it and I'm sorry if I made him a bit OOC in the end.)

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