An eerie introduction.

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I'm perched beside a road dip centimetres keeping to a slope, I plunge my feet away from the road. It's well lit but fading of the day with nothing but the sounds of school-goers and the normal commute thrash. I have come to this spot I got from I'zanda messaged me about getting some off the books petty cash from local loans men. I was afraid and challenged her at the roundabout just five blocks from here.
"You're always looking at the right thing, the wrong way... You stay asleep next time.. I'll tie those lace strings on your jumper up your nostrils." I laughed. "Okay but we're going to this we can't miss a thing, this is the biggest summer festival of our lives, no wait..." making eye contact and laughing we screamed "LIFE ITSELF!!!"

Still laughing I left her waiting at the roundabout for the rest of the girls dancing and singing I was so happy to have a friend in her. She lived a town away with her mother and her step-father talking to me about the growing pains of being the big sibling and working as an understudy for her mother. Never to share too much she was discreetest of us, telling jokes that lit up the whole squad.
My first ever taste of alcohol was with I'zanda we went to the fire bars, bars which secretly did like illegal heights of alcohol. The funny thing was Izanda never drank she would just probe the regulars when they asked who were saying "Am I not bar goer that I must drink and not go" pointing to one of the guys as if he were the bar man she smiled and her brushed her cheek. That gritty attitude convinced me to get the money, take a 7 hour bus journey and were there.
The calmness of the seven o'clock sky met us to a door hand who lugged out our luggage directing us to the local bed lounges. I waited by the lobby area there was a couch with magazines, I felt already dressed where the other girls were dashing to find cover. A stranger came forward "Did you miss bag check?" a wide smiling scooter stole my daydream, planting himself right next to me. "Bag check? My whole party checked in five hours ago, the local tour drop-offs."
He walked out into the adjacent hallway to another lounge, the clouds covering the last sunlight of the sky. I noticed his name on his bag tag just "Marvin Tchuku" no room number attached but anyway all his group had probably made their way to their rooms by now. I picked up a name tag and filled my own out I was about to put my last name just as the guy before had done but then I hesitated something didn't feel right and I had instantly put the pen down. I watched as it rolled across the table, as if it was a different pen mocking me for not seeing how normal this whole situation was everyone was in the hotel to have a good time. Already rampant with people coming through. The counter was a little big lower than me but I grabbed the pen a moment from the edge leaning over enough to see my room number. Fourth floor. It was the same direction as Marvin but I didn't hear a group, I didn't even here the echo of the sun lounge glasses tinkering to every fresh gulp of refreshments. I was thinking where did all the excitement go when a stranger tapped my hand, "excuse me miss, I think you dropped your pen." stretching his arms out he handed me the same pen I had just picked up. My hand was goosebump ravaged. I looked over at the table thinking there was nothing I missed but everything was just as it was no one was there just as before "I'm sorry but I have a pen, Maybe it was lost during bag check thanks anyway." I walked quickly from the lobby turning a corner running into one of the group. My group. Finally. My group.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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