Chapter 5:

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"No one can fully grasp another person's emotions. It's impossible. Only You can understand what you're feeling" -Atsushi

-After training, everyone is in the classroom. Well most everyone-

After changing into our regular school uniforms, my classmates and I head into room. I sit on one of the desks in the back, setting my hands under the side of my knees and swinging my legs gently. I was smiling, I didn't know why, I never smiled this prominently before.
"Koyomi, right?"

I hear a deep, insightful voice to my right, I look over to see a boy with the head of a blackbird, and his dark shadow trailing behind him.
"Oh hi, Tokoyami right?"
He nods in response, I notice Shoji, the kid with dupli-arms. Sitting on the desk next to mine. The three of us creating a sort of triangle.
He spoke again, eyes closed.
"During training, I couldn't help but notice your quirk." His eyes flashed open. "Its strong, and I can't quite fully understand it yet."
I blink, surprised someone complimented me.
"Uh, thanks?"
Shoji spoke up, "what he's trying to say is your quirk would be a tough match for him"
"Really? Why?"
Shoji and Tokoyami shared a glance, then Tokoyami spoke up.
"My quirk, Dark Shadow, derives off the darkness. Your blade that you made, had an aura of light around it. The type of light I do not know, but any form of light has an advantage over me"
I let out thoughtfully, looking back forward.
I see the door open and Midoriya enter, the arm he used to punch earlier wrapped in bandages and in a sling, I frown, though mildly.
I see Uraraka and Iida run up to him, their questions and relief muddled, but I do hear him ask where Bakugo is.
"Oh yeah, he stormed off after training was over." Kirishika said with a shrug from his place on a desk. He added in a slightly lower tone. "None of us tried to stop him."
Before anyone could say anything he turned heel and was far down the hall.
I frown, a look of concern crossing my face. I dont know why, because the fact is the kid's a jerk, I was worried about Bakugo.

"Stupid Deku"
Bakugo grumbled, sulking down the pathway that leads out of UA.

He freezes. That voice.

His eyes narrow into red slits, turning around to glare at him.
Midoriya looks down at his fist, clenching it in front of his chest.
"I know that you're probably confused, I would be too if I was in your position." Bakugo's eyes twitches.
"But I've worked so hard, and so many people have worked hard helping get to this point! So I can't give up now, not ever!....Bakugo... there's something I need to tell you. This quirk isn't was passed onto me from someone I trust very much. So I'll work to make this borrowed quirk me own, and when I do, I'll finally beat you Katchan! Thats why, cause you're the best! You're amazing!"
Bakugo's face carves into a snarl.
"You really think I give a damn for your pathetic excuses?! Huh! Cause I dont! And I KNOW you've been looking down on me this whole time! So don't think I'll take it easy on you!"

Bakugo turns round without another word, cursing to himself.
"That stupid Deku. Looking down on me. Not yelling me! I'll-"
"Young Bakugo, your pride and strength is admirable, but in the end could prove your downfall. I'm sure with proper-"
"Shut it All Might!"
Bakugo spits out, voice filled with disgust.
"I dont need your help! I dont need anyone's help! I'll become a hero by myself, one better then even you!"


The final bells of UA rang as I made my way out the gate, I hear rushing footsteps behind me. I dont give it any mind of course, thinking it frankly wasn't my problem. Till I heard my name.
"Hey, Koyomi! KOYOMI!"

I look over my shoulder, a blankly confused look on my face. My eyes widen when I see Kirishima running towards me, his backpack cradled in his arms. I stiffen a bit when I see all the other kids look over, not just Hero course kids, but General studies, Support course...all the other years too. I finally catches up to me, panting, I glance around.
He regains his breath, his smile returning. "Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to walk together?"

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